Hindutva ideology based on politics, not Dharma ! – Shashi Tharoor, Congress leader

Will Shashi Tharoor comment on Congress’s politics-based secular ideology that appeased fanatics by suppressing Hindus ? New Delhi – Congress leader Shashi Tharoor claimed that the Hindutva ideology is more of a political doctrine than a religious one. Tharoor was speaking in an interview on his recently published book ‘The Battle of Belonging’. Tharoor further … Read more

‘Given a right, I would have crushed Macron’s face !’ – says Congress MLA

Bhopal Congress MLA talks the language of Jihadis ! Congress would never take action against such MLAs because they belong to the minority and minority is a vote bank for Congress ! Muslim leaders warn of taking the law in their hands if their religious sentiments are hurt; whereas, on the contrary, Hindu leaders remain … Read more

‘I was harassed for giving a clean chit to Narendra Modi in Gujarat riots’ – Accuses former CBI director R.K. Raghavan

Congress was in power during Gujarat riots. It is clear that Congress made all possible attempts to harass Narendra Modi. Such a political party is a stigma on Democracy and hence should be banned immediately ! Mr. Ragahvan should also inform why this information was not revealed before this ? New Delhi – Former CBI … Read more

Congress’ former CM Kamal Nath refers to BJP’s woman candidate in election as an ‘item’!

BJP registers a complaint with the Election Commission It is unfortunate for the citizens of the State to have had such a person as their Chief Minister. Being a party with the woman President, Sonia Gandhi was expected to take strict action against Kamal Nath. No action whatsoever has been initiated yet. Apparently, Congress values … Read more

‘If no madarasa with Govt money, then not even Kumbha Mela !’ – Blurts Congress leader Udit Raj

Thousands of crores of rupees have been given for the Haj pilgrimage by the Congress for so many years, why does not Udit Raj open his mouth about this ? By comparing madarasas with Kumbha Mela, Udit Raj has shown his anti-Hindu mentality ! New Delhi – ‘The Government money should not be used for … Read more

CBI raids 14 properties of Congress State President D.K Shivakumar in Karnataka

Claims of finding unaccounted for ₹ 50 lakhs in the raid So far raids have been conducted on the homes of corrupt leaders, administrative officials and businessmen; but harsh punishment or imprisonment has never been heard of. Is this not a system failure ? Bengaluru (Karnataka) – The Central Bureau of Investigation conducted raids on … Read more