Effect on Living creature by Congenital Anomalies

Ayurveda for a healthy life ! – 24/2024

Janmabala Pravrutta Vyadhi (Congenital Anomalies)

Ayurveda describes many congenital anomalies that is Janmabalapravrutta vyadhi such as blindness (Aandhya), deafness (Badhirya), dumbness (Mooka), congenital hernia (Vruddhi), anal atresia or stenosis (Sanniruddha guda), con­genital piles (Sahaja arsha), congenital anomalies of the sexual organs etc.

1.       Aetiology

Congenital anomalies may be genetic in origin or may arise as a result of factors operating in the intra-uterine life. Consanguinity is known to be associated with increased incidence of congenital defects. Hence the religious texts prescribe that prospective parents should not be related to
each other and should not belong to the same family tree for seven previous generations.

The acquired factors operate on the foetus via diet, activity, disease, psychological factors etc. of the mother. They act by disturbing the balance of doshas in the pregnant woman and later in the foetus. The increased, decreased or vitiated doshas in the foetus give rise to congenital anomalies.

The various causes giving rise to congenital anomalies are given below –

1.     Causes in relation to soul : Papa that is sins of past life of the individual and of parents are responsible for foetal abnormalities and idiopathic diseases.

2.     Hereditary factors : Gross defects in sperms or ova give rise to sterility or abortion. Defective chromosomes and genes that is beeja-bhagavayava are responsible for abnormalities of sex organs.

3.     Consanguinity : It is important to avoid marriage in close relatives as chances of inheriting the hereditary diseases are increased. Hereditary diseases like diabetes are incurable.

  4.     Age of parents : The seeds in man and woman mature at the age of 25 & 16 respectively. If parents are below this age, the foetus does not develop, dies early or becomes deformed.

5.     Intercourse in an abnormal posture leads to a deformed child.

6.     Increased doshas : Increased vata, pitta and kapha in the foetus lead to congenital anomalies. Increased vata that is vataprakopaka gives rise to a deformed, deaf and dumb child and paralysis.

7.     Constitution : Both the parents should not have the same disease, constitution example, if both the parents have kapha constitution, the offspring is likely to have kaphaja diseases like congenital tumours.

8.     Constitution based on basic elements. The constitution of both the parents should not be dominant in the same basic element example if the energy element is dominant in both the parents, the foetus is likely to suffer from pitta constitution and anomalies of the eyes including blindness. On the other hand, if the energy element is weak in both the parents, marked decrease or absence of energy element will again give rise to blindness.
If the energy element accompanies blood, pitta or kapha of the foetus in excess, the colour of the iris will be red, brown or white respectively. If the energy element joins vata, it leads to a squint in the foetus.

9.     Not fulfilling the demands and cravings of the pregnant woman arising from the tissue demands of mother and child. Effect of some of the maternal cravings on the foetus are given in the following chart.

Craving in mother Effect on foetus
1. Seeing the king Lucky and rich person
2. Wearing silk or woollen clothes or orna­ments Child or person develop a liking for orna­ments and enjoyments
3. Seeing idols of God Person with good character
4. Visiting hermitage of saints Religious and having control over his sense organs
5. Seeing cruel animals like tigers Indulging in violence
6. Eating
A. Flesh of godha Sleepy and good runner
B. Buffalo’s flesh Brave, hairy and having red eyes
C. Pig’s flesh Brave and sleepy
D. Deer’s flesh Carries out all the activities with speed and enjoys living in jungles
E. Flesh of tittira bird Fearful

10.    If mother’s diet is excessively hot, heavy and pungent, it is injurious to the infant. The details are given in the following table. Eating too less a diet may lead to foetal malnutrition.

11.    Activities : Abnormal activities and riding on animals for a long time, as given in the following table may be harmful to the foetus.

Mother’s diet and
activity in pregnancy
Effect on the foetus or
on characters of the child
Sleeping in prone position Loops of cord round the neck
Travelling in excess all the time Loops of cord round the neck
Sleeping alone in open places or wandering alone at night Insane Child
Indulges in falsehood and quarreling with others Epilepsy
Excessive indulgence in sex Congenital abnormalities, epilepsy, sexy and shameless
Remains in a sorrowful state Fearful & thin child and with a short life span
Jealous of others Jealous, cruel or dominated
by his wife
Commits theft Hard working, jealous and
under­taking bad deeds
Angry Angry, unreliable and criticising others
Sleeping in excess Sleepy, foolish and with weak
dige­stive power
Drinking alcohol in excess regularly Thirsty with wavering mind and weak memory
Likes and eats flesh of godha Stones in urinary tract and difficulty in passing urine; sleepy
Likes pig’s flesh Red eyes, crying in excess and having rough hair brave, sleepy
Eating fish in excess regularly Infrequent blinking and fixed eyes
Eating sweet food items in excess Large sized, dumb and diabetic child
Eating in excess salty food items Early wrinkling of skin, baldness
and early greying of hairs
Eating in excess sour food items Bleeding disorders, skin or eye diseases
Eating in excess pungent
food items
Weak, sterile and weak
sexual powers
Eating in excess bitter

food items

Emaciation or tuberculosis,
weak or ugly looking
Eating in excess
astringent food items
Dark complexion, distension of abdomen and intestinal obstruction
Medicinal smoking for fever Blindness, weakness or abortion
Indulgence in diet and
activity promoting
A.  Vata Blind, deformed, short and dull
B. Pitta Brown colour and faulters
C. Kapha Pallor and leucoderma

12.  Local injury to abdomen may damage the foetus.

13.  Diseases and infections in mother may damage the foetus.

14.  Suppression of natural urges, particularly of passing urine, stool & wind may be harmful to the foetus. It will increase vata in the mother, which in turn increase vata in the foetus giving rise to vataja anomalies.

15.  Use of sense organs in an abnormal manner – e.g.

A.   Hearing unpleasant words or distressing news, hearing shrill noises may lead to deafness in the foetus.

B.   Looking at water fall for a long time may be harmful to the foetus.

 16.  Iatrogenic causes – Panchakarma that is induction of sweating, emesis, purgation, enema, cleansing nasal medications and administering hot drugs to the mother may lead to abortion, discolouration or a congenital anomaly.

17.       Non-religious conduct of the parents and mother’s act of not observing regulations prior to the menstrual period may be harmful to the foetus as given in the following table. The practices advised by religion during menstrual period are important, as deviation from these prescribed practices will have maximum influence on the maturing ovum, which is released from the ovarian surface. In addition, it will have little influence over other germinal cells and ova.

Results of violation of the rules and regulations to be followed by the woman during menstrual period.

Violation of rules by the
woman during menstrual period
Effect on the foetus and child
Clipping nails during periods Abnormalities of nails
Oil Massage Chronic skin diseases
Personal make ups
A. Application of scents & powder Leads a miserable life
B. Eye ointment (Kajal) and wearing ornaments Blindness
Bath Leads a miserable life
Sleep during day Excessive sleep
Running Unsteady, unstable
Talking in excess Talkative
Laughing loudly in excess Blackish discoloration of lips, teeth  and palate
Digging earth Faulters
Exertion Uncontrolled activity and behaviour
Hearing loud sounds Deafness
Exposure to breeze Uncontrolled behaviour and activity
Weeping and crying Abnormalities of eyes