Hindu Society Under Siege

Shri. Sita Ram Goel

Hindu society is the longest surviving civilization in the world. Most other societies in human history suffered a sudden destruction or a traumatic transformation due to invasion by fanatical groups carrying the banner of monotheism, proclaiming their God the only ‘God’, and conquering and subjugating the ‘heathen’, the ‘primitive’, and the ‘polytheists, animists, others’ around the world. The tribal, Abrahamic ‘religions’ founded in the ‘fertile crescent’ of the ‘Middle East’ have wreaked havoc over the world, and now, combined with Marxist/extremist ‘social justice’ cults, have regrouped to weaken if not destroy Hinduism, the lone, long-standing bulwark against extremist religious and political cults and ideologies.

It is an amazing facet of Sanatana Dharma or Hindu civilization that it still survives despite onslaughts starting from the times of Alexander. Unfortunately, the attacks continue and there is every need to preserve, protect, and energize the rich artistic, literary, scientific, and spiritual heritage of India. – Shri. Sita Ram Goel ji

(Courtesy : indiafacts.org.in)