Israel-Hamas conflict impacting safety of Maritime commercial traffic

India addresses at United Nations’ Security Council

India’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Security Council Ravindra

New York (US) – While addressing at the UNSC, the Deputy Permanent Representative of India, R Ravindra said, “the war that has been going on for the last 109 days has caused deaths of more than 25,000 people. This has created humanitarian crisis and, the Indian maritime trade is getting a setback.”

Ravindra added further,

1.This is a matter of great concern to the international community and has a direct bearing on India’s own energy and economic interests. This fraught situation is not to the benefit of any party, and this must be clearly recognised.

2.India has given financial help to Palestinian Refugees by providing 5 million USD
(Rs. 41.58 crores) so far.