Proof of Hamas Headquarters under the hospital : Israel

A tunnel found under the Al Shifa hospital

Tel Aviv (Israel) – The Israel Army after gaining control of Al Shifa Hospital, has said that they have found a tunnel under the hospital. Israel released two new videos that it claimed to document a 55-meter fortified tunnel 10 meters below Al-Shifa. The camera footage, presumably filmed using a remotely piloted vehicle, ends with what Israel said is a blast-proof door equipped with a shooting hole allowing Hamas to attack IDF forces should they seek to breach the purported Hamas command and control centre. “The findings prove beyond all doubt that buildings in the hospital complex are used as infrastructure for the Hamas terror organization, for terror activity. This is further proof of the cynical use that the Hamas terror organization makes of the residents of the Gaza Strip as a human shield for its murderous terror activities,” the IDF said

The CCTV footage of 7th October at the Hospital released

Israel Army has released the hospital’s CCTV footage. In this, there are scenes of 7th October’s morning when the hostages kidnapped in the Israel attack were brought and held at the hospital. From this, it is clear that the hostages are hidden behind the doors of the tunnel.

The tunnel is one of the city’s fundamental facilities – Hamas’ ridiculous clarification

Hamas clarified the existence of the tunnel saying, that in Gaza, there are thousands of kilometres of hidden tunnels bunkers etc. This tunnel too is one of these fundamental facilities. (Hamas considers everyone to be fools – Editor)