We do not believe in Sanatan etc. : MLA Jitendra Awhad blabbers

MLA Jitendra Awhad allergic to Sanatan Dharma

MLA Jitendra Awhad

Mumbai – The religion that brought casteism in the country, and the religion that denied women rights, cannot be Sanatan Dharma. Sanatan is not a religion, but a group of fundamentalists in Hinduism. I don’t understand where did this new word come from ? We have been fighting with Sanatan since year 2003, blabbered MLA Jitendra Awhad (NCP, Sharad Pawar group) while talking to reporters on 9th October. (Parties like Nationalist Congress have created and increased casteism ! If women had no rights in Hinduism, would we have heard the glory of Jijamata, Rani Lakshmibai, etc. Editor)

He further stated,

1. They tried to kill me. My house was attacked. Those people were Sanatani. (If Jitendra Awhad has proof of this, why didn’t he go to the Court ? It appears that Awhad is talking baseless just to remain in limelight ! – Editor) Hinduism takes us on the path of ‘Vasudhaivakutumbakam’ (The World Is One Family). Everyone is considerate. (This needs to be understood by Awhad himself ! – Editor)

2. Sanatani people have victimised, oppressed and exploited people for 5,000 years. If anyone persecuted Saint Tukaram Maharaj, Buddha, Mahavir, Jain, Basaveshwar, Savata Mali etc., it was the Sanatani people. (By making such statements, it is Awhad who is dividing based on caste and creed ! – Editor)

3. The coronation of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was rejected by the Sanatanis. Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj’s parents committed suicide due to Sanatanis, who killed Phule with stones and threw cowdung ? It was Sanatani. Sanatanis tried to kill Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj. Mohandas Gandhi was assassinated by Sanatanis. (Is Awhad not narrowing down the vast Sanatan Hindu Dharma and spreading Brahmin hatred ? – Editor)

Editorial Perspective

Does Sanatan Hindu Dharma depend on the beliefs and disbeliefs of Awhad ? Who cares about the hateful statements of Awhad about Sanatan Dharma ? In fact, Sanatan Dharma ruled the earth for thousands of years and is widely practiced even abroad today.