Exaltation of tyrant Aurangzeb by MLA Abu Azmi
(Credit : Lokmat Times)
Mumbai – “I am with ‘Rahmatullah Alaih’ (in Islam the beloved of Allah is referred to as ‘Rahmatullah Alaih’) Aurangzeb. If we look at his history, you will come to know that he was a secular emperor. (How can a secularist commit brutal atrocities on Hindus ? Hindus should strongly condemn this ! Why should Abu Azmi not be punished for spreading false history ? – Editor) He made India from Afghanistan to Burma”, tweeted Samajwadi Party MLA Abu Azmi supporting tyrant Aurangzeb. (Liar Abu Azmi ! India was not created by Aurangzeb, he destroyed it. India existed since ancient times ! – Editor)
Aurangzeb is being glorified by fanatical Muslims in some parts of Maharashtra. Abu Azmi further said in a tweet, “There are many examples in history where Hindu and Muslim rulers took different decisions to run power. But today, hatred is being spread by giving it a religious colour for political gain. The pro-Modi media plays a major role in this.”
Many Muslims have supported Abu Azmi’s tweet, while patriotic citizens and devout Hindus have expressed their anger.
मैं औरंगज़ेब रहमतुल्लाह अलैह के साथ हूँ, उनका इतिहास देखोगे तो आप को पता चलेगा वो एक सेक्युलर बादशाह थे जिन्होंने अफ़ग़निस्ता से लेकर बर्मा तक भारतवर्ष बनाया था। इतिहास में ऐसे कई उदाहरण है जहाँ हिन्दू और मुस्लिम शासकों ने सत्ता चलाने के अलग फैसले लिए लेकिन आज उन्हें राजनितिक… pic.twitter.com/8nUtqhjQMP
— Abu Asim Azmi (@abuasimazmi) June 7, 2023
Editorial Viewpoints