The British restrained the missionaries while the Indian rulers gave them a free rein. As a result, the dupery of missionaries is expanding throughout India unbridled.
Our representatives in power know everything. But they have been blinded by their greed for power and are increasing special minority rights, that is equal to sawing off the branch they’re sitting on ! |
1. Francis Xavier first started anti-Brahmanism to convert Hindu society
Anti-Brahmanism has almost become an ideology in India today. The incumbent Hindtuvavadis are also thoughtlessly participating in this ideology. It is important for people who are ignorant of History that they think about the appalling situation while making policy decisions.
They themselves can verify that vilification of Brahmans was started by Christian missionaries, who are the sworn enemies of Hindu Dharma. Before Christian missionaries, all local-foreign writers, scholars, etc. unanimously and unequivocally praised Brahmans and Hindu society.
Francis Xavier was the first to attack Brahmans in the 16th Century. He said that since Brahmans had influence on society, it was important to destroy this, so as to convert Hindus to Christianity. This is the basis and essence of the theory and practice /behaviour of Brahman antagonism, which can be seen even today. Every Brahman traducer also nonchalantly supports dividing Hindu society and destroying Hindu Dharma. Thus, anti-Brahmanism is mainly and finally nothing but a policy to obliterate Hindu society.
Both, sly tactics and force have been employed for this. This was also started by Francis Xavier. However, the Portuguese colonial rulers did not provide them with enough army. Even then, Xavier wreaked havoc by inflicting injustice and violence on an unparalleled and terrorising level in Goa. He proudly expressed the delight he derived by destroying Hindu temples. Therefore, when Hindu kings would enter into a peace treaty with the Portuguese after a battle, they used to make them write in the treaty that the Portuguese won’t kill the Brahmans.
2. Influence of anti-Brahman propaganda on most leaders and intellectuals
But the ideological ictus by missionaries was deadlier. The ill-effects of that ictus are blooming even today. Incessant propaganda has led to infiltration of the education system with the same toxicity which is fixedly used against Hindu society. Most of our politicians and intellectuals today believe the narrative motivated by Brahman-animosity to be true, although such materials can only be traced to Church missionary publications and to be found nowhere else. Inequality, special respect / treatment, etc. are human tendencies or shortcomings which are found everywhere in human society. But in India this has been distorted and Brahmanvad has been sculpted.
3. Policy of the missionaries to obliterate the Brahmans prominent among the Hindus
According to Dr Koenraad Elst, ‘‘Apart from the Jew-antagonism, Brahman-antagonism is the only biggest propaganda campaign run by the missionaries in world History”.
In fact, first the missionaries tried to proselytise Brahmans so that it becomes easy to convert other Hindus. This strategy of missionaries to convert the prominent section of people to Christianity and then coax the rest into conversion, was successful to some extent in China, Japan and Korea. But when they were not successful in converting the Brahmans, the Brahmans became their enemies. Then they adopted a policy to obliterate the Brahmans. Only the ways to implement or execute this policy were different. Robert De Nobili (1577-1656), a Jesuit missionary nicknamed the ‘White Brahman’, believed deception to be more useful than violence. He used to dress in Brahman attire, call himself a Roman Brahman and proclaim Yeshurveda (Jesus Veda) as the fifth Veda. He would tell people that this Veda has been lost in India but is safe and preserved in Rome.
4. Church that remained supporter of the higher castes, claims to be an ally of the ‘exploited-oppressed’ since the past 150 years
Initially, the missionaries had a high-class policy. St Paul actively supported slavery. Pope Gregory (16-17th Century) asked the Church in India to adopt caste-discrimination. Till the 18-19th Century, the Church vehemently opposed the idea of equality, and instead supported the distinguished-class, hierarchical rule. It was only in the past 150 years that the Church changed its position in the wake of a rising surge in support of the idea of equality and started claiming to be an ally of the exploited and oppressed.
Hence, there has been no concern for the lower castes till 125 years, which they claim to have had now. Even today, many Churches in Goa have separate gates of entry-exit for the lower and upper castes, which never existed in Hindu temples.
5. Use of Dalits by Christian missionaries to subvert Hindu Dharma
Missionary organisations are pro-Dalit only to the extent that it is useful in breaking / dividing Hindu society. They also appropriate Dr Ambedkar selectively while maintaining silence on his views of the Aryan invasion theory, destruction of Buddhism, Hindu-Muslim conflict. So, St Thomas or St Xavier did not come to India with any message of ‘equality’. Violence, humbuggery, deception were their real means of expansion.
Church missionaries are using Dalits only as pawns in their religious expansionism just like they tried to do with Brahmans in the beginning. Their failure in proselytising Brahmans led to their extreme Brahman hatred.
6. Caste system protected the Hindus from the Islamic and Christian onslaughts
It is due to false propaganda of Church mission-aries that we get to hear only negative things about caste. Caste has been falsely conflated to mean enmity and oppression. The mutual familial bond, cooperation and security aspects of the caste system have been deliberately and purposefully suppressed; whereas, all castes have had pride in it. This is evident from British survey documents that were conducted in India. All castes had their own pride. Any inferiority complex in them was hardly to be found compared to how it has been unrealistically publicised today. In fact, it is also to the credit of their caste that Hindus were able to survive as Hindus, even after Islamic and Christian onslaughts.
Hindu society did not get wiped out as they did in Africa and West Asia, where Islam managed to annihilate civilizations completely within a period of a few years.
7. Propaganda of Christian missionaries against Brahmans as ‘oppressors’
In the past century, forest dwelling and lower caste Hindus have been the main target of missionaries. They falsely propagate Brahmans as the ‘oppressors’ and missionaries as the ‘saviours’. Infesting the education system with Brahman-hatred is nothing but a step in the direction of destroying Hindus. A distorted version of Indian History and culture is taught in missionary schools. Due to continued publication and propagation, innocent children imbibe many false narratives. They do not even know that all castes have had great Gurus, poets, scholars, Saints and intellectuals.
In fact, Brahmans have also performed the task of bringing back into the Hindu fold those Hindus who were forcefully converted to Christianity and Islam. This was also a reason behind the wrath of missionaries. Abbe Dubois and Rev. Norman Macleod also heaped humiliations and abuses against Brahmans. Dubois called Brahmans a storehouse of evil because they resisted the expansion of the Church.
8. Special honour by the rulers to Christian missionaries who converted Hindus
This was the conduct of the most renowned of missionaries. Their job became easier in Independent India as our rulers and political parties put them on a pedestal and gave them all sorts of facilities. It was with the Government’s assistance that the 3 Leftist historians targeted Brahmanvad. Due to promotion of this falsehood and all-round propaganda, Hinduvadi organisations also forgot Swami Vivekananda who said, “The ideal man of our ancestors was the Brahman. In all our books this ideal of the Brahman stands out prominently … In India, on the other hand, the greatest princes seek to trace their descent to some ancient Sage who dressed in a loin-cloth, lived in a forest eating roots and studying the Vedas. It is there that the Indian prince goes to trace his ancestry”.
Some so-called Hindu leaders forgot and forsook this noble heritage in flagrantly supporting the establishment of the Mandal Commision (1979) and then brazenly accepting its report. That report is filled with anti-Brahman propaganda of missionaries which has been the main rationale of its recommendations. In this manner, a white lie constructed by missionaries became the official secular, socialist and nationalist gospel truth of the Indian Government.
Such triumph was not achieved by missionaries even during British rule.
9. Free rein to Christian missionaries by Indian rulers
The British restrained the missionaries while the Indian rulers gave them a free rein. As a result, the dupery of missionaries is expanding throughout India unbridled.
Installing photos of Jesus-Mary in Hindu temples, constructing churches in the fashion of Hindu temple architecture to defraud and convert innocent Hindus, treating a disease using medicines but crediting it to the grace of Jesus, disrespecting Hindu Gods and Goddesses and calling them powerless, by lending money or providing admission to missionary schools, etc., they are adopting all dubious means to break and divide Hindu society. Our representatives in power know everything. But they have been blinded by their greed for power and are increasing special minority rights that is equal to sawing off the branch they’re sitting on !
– Prof. Shankar Sharan (Professor of Political Science at the NCERT and Senior Columnist, New Delhi; Courtesy : ‘Naya India’, in Hindi)
Infesting the education system with Brahman-hatred is nothing but a step in the direction of destroying Hindus !