The situation on the border between India and China is fragile : Foreign Minister Dr S Jaishankar

Dr S Jaishankar (Right)

New Delhi – “The India and China border situation, to my mind, remains very fragile because there are places where our deployments are very close, and in military assessment, actually quite dangerous.”. Until there is a solution based on “in-principle agreement in September 2020” between India and China over border issue, the relations between both countries cannot be normal, according to India’s Foreign Minister. Dr S Jaishankar was speaking at the ‘India Today Conclave’ organised here.

Dr Jaishankar further said that at present the soldiers of both the countries have withdrawn from some areas and some sources are also being discussed. We have made it clear to China that we will not break the peace, you cannot violate the agreement. The current border situation was discussed with China’s Foreign Minister Qin Gang at the G20 Foreign Ministers’ meeting held in India a few weeks ago.

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