Fighting those who gave refuge, employment and food !

Advocate Mr Ashwini Upadhyay criticises Muslim refugees in France

Advocate Mr Ashwini Upadhyay

New Delhi – Riots broke out in France after Morocco, the Islamic country of Africa lost to France in the FIFA World Cup in Qatar. The Morocco fans who are living in France as refugees started the riots and vandalism.  Earlier they created a ruckus after winning a match in a round before the semi-finals. While commenting on this Advocate Mr Ashwini Upadhyaya tweeted, France gave them refuge, France gave them jobs, France gave them food, clothing and shelter but they are not happy with the victory of France, instead they are irked by Morocco’s defeat. If development could reduce religious frenzy, the Moroccan refugees wouldn’t have started riots and arson attacks in France.

BJP leader Kapil Mishra also said, France saved them from hunger, gave them refuge, saved their lives, and provided them security. Blinded by the very religion they took refuge in France, now they are setting France on fire. Guru Govind Singh said it a few centuries ago.

Editorial Viewpoint

India should learn its lesson from this incident. At the time of partition, Hindus of Pakistan were expected to migrate to India and the Muslims in India were expected to migrate to Pakistan. However, that did not happen; as a result, the Hindu genocide is happening in Pakistan. In India, religious fanatics are destroying Hindus in the name of secularism and equality.