Psychological and spiritual efforts required to bear the adverse times – 2

H.H. Sandeep Alshi

If an individual performs spiritual practice in the present birth, he will get rewarded in each birth. Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale is a ‘Moksha Guru’, who thinks of the welfare of the entire human race. Real welfare of an individual lies in God-realisation. Hence, on the backdrop of the impending World War 3, Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale does not get thoughts about a country that is defined by its geographical boundaries; instead, He gets the thought that sattvik people (irrespective of the country they belong to) should survive so as to realise God. All said and done, as part of His duty and as gratitude unto the Nation, Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale is incessantly active for the overall welfare of India. – H.H. Sandeep Alshi

In our previous Issue, we started with – Preparations required at the psychological level to face the adverse times. Under this topic, we learnt about the importance of taking autosuggestions, various autosuggestion techniques and the method of taking autosuggestions. Now, read the specifics of autosuggestions.


Autosuggestions to overcome the fear of floods

Example : Mrs Sarika’s fear – ‘During the coming monsoons, the river flowing by my village will flood and my life as well as that of my family members will be in danger’.

Autosuggestion (Technique A2) : Whenever I get frightening thoughts such as ‘during the coming monsoon the river flowing by my village will flood and my life as well as that of my family members will be in danger’, I will become aware that I already have an adequate stock of food, medicines, etc. in the house. I have already understood the emergency measures to stay safe during floods. I have God’s support, so I will be able to certainly face the flood calamity. I will chant and continue with my work calmly.

Autosuggestion (Technique A3)

1. It has been raining heavily all day. The river flowing by the village is gradually getting flooded. My family members and I are stranded in our house.
2. I am praying – ‘O’ God ! I completely surrender unto Your Holy feet. You only save us from this calamity.’
3. I am remembering that I already have adequate stock of food, medicines, etc. in the house. Hence, my family and I are feeling calm that we do not need to go out of the house.
4. I am rehearsing emergency measures to be adopted with my family to stay safe during floods.
5. I am experiencing God’s support and feeling reassured.
6. After a few hours, the TV news channel is showing that the floodwater is receding.
7. I am expressing gratitude unto the Holy feet of God for giving us the strength to face this calamity.


Autosuggestions to overcome the anxiety created by the thought of an earthquake

Example : Mr Vinayak is worried about what will happen to him and his family members if there is an earthquake in his village during the adverse times.
Autosuggestion (Technique A2) : Whenever I get the thought of ‘what will happen to me and my family if there is an earthquake in my village’, I will realise that I have prepared a bag full of essentials to be carried along while evacuating after an earthquake. Every member of the house has decided what to take with them. I will realise that because of our spiritual practice, God is definitely going to protect me and my family. Hence, this will increase my faith.

Autosuggestion (Technique A3)

1. I am beginning to realise that my house is being shaken by an earthquake. A couple of pots in the kitchen have fallen down noisily from the rack.
2. I am remembering what we need to carry during the evacuation after an earthquake, and has already been decided by me and my family members. We are feeling calm and confident that God is definitely going to protect us.
3. I am picking up the bag containing valuables and important documents; and simultaneously instructing my family members to evacuate the house quickly.
4. Me and my family members are safely moving to the open area outside the house.
5. Our neighbours and acquaintances are also gathering outside. We are experiencing each other’s support.
6. After some time, it is being announced that the tremors have stopped, and everyone is being asked to return to their homes.
7. I am expressing gratitude unto the Holy feet of God for protecting me and my family during this calamity.


Autosuggestions to relieve the stress caused by the thought of a riot outbreak near the house

Example : Mr Prabhakar is stressed with the thought that the intensity of the adverse times will keep increasing. Consequently, there will be riots near his house in the next 1-2 years which will affect him and his family severely.

Autosuggestion (Technique A2) : Whenever I get a thought that ‘there will be a riot near my house which will affect me and my family severely’, I will realise that I have been trained in self-defence so I am confident of fighting off the rioters. I will realise that God’s protective sheath is around me and my family due to our spiritual practice. Keeping all this in mind, I will focus on my spiritual practice.

Autosuggestion (Technique A3)

1. The repercussions of yesterday’s riots in the city are beginning to reverberate in our locality.
2. I have been trained in self-defence techniques; hence, I am feeling confident of fighting off the rioters.
3. We are closing the entrance door to our house as well as other doors and windows.
4. My elder brother is reporting about the riots to the Police.
5. I am chanting God’s Name, reciting hymns, etc. and doing all I can to keep calm during the crisis.
6. I am remembering that God has always been with me during a crisis and He will take care of me and my family members.
7. By God’s grace, the rioters passed by our house, without looking at it.
8. After some time we are hearing the Police siren.
9. Police are bringing the riots under control in a short time.
10. I am expressing gratitude unto the Holy feet of God for not letting us get affected by the riots and protecting me and my family.

World War

Autosuggestions to overcome the fear caused by the thought of being unsafe during the coming World War.

Example : Mr Shashikant fears that during the coming World War it will be difficult for him to stay safe due to the dreadful situation that may develop, such as shortage of essential food items, medicines, water, power.

Autosuggestion (Technique A2) : Whenever I worry of being unsafe due to the dreadful situation that may develop, such as shortage of food, medicines, water, power during the coming World War, I will realise that I have already started stocking food grains, medicines, etc., which will be required during the World War. I will also become aware that I am making other preparations, such as installing solar power system, installing additional tanks for storing water, etc. I will realise that if I perform spiritual practice, God will definitely help me, therefore, I will increase my efforts.

Autosuggestion (Technique A3)

1. I am realising that, since some countries want to dominate the world, there could be an outbreak of World War anytime.
2. For the past few months, I have been preparing at the physical, psychological and spiritual levels to face the adverse times; therefore, I am feeling calm and confident.
3. I am realising that throughout my life God has provided as much food as necessary. Hence, even during the World War, He is definitely going to provide me with enough food and water.
4. I am stocking food grains, medicines, etc. in advance, which will be necessary during the World War. I am also making preparations, such as installing solar power system for electricity, additional water tanks for storing, etc.
5. I am regularly practising Yoga and Pranayam to stay fit. I am also learning alternative (medicine-less) healing such as Acupressure, chant-remedies.
6. I am realising that I have been able to remain safe because of God’s help during the World War and I am expressing gratitude unto His Holy feet.

Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale is a ‘Moksha Guru’, who thinks of the welfare of the entire human race !