The school students in Bageshwar (Uttarakhand) suddenly started crying and screaming

Recently, a student who made strange gestures saw the dead body of a relative hanging from a tree

School students in Bageshwar (Uttarakhand) suddenly started crying and screaming

Bageshwar (Uttarakhand) – On 26th July, a strange incident occurred at the Junior High School in Raikholi village in the Bageshwar District. Here a group of male and female students studying in class VIII began screaming and crying suddenly. When teachers and people of the village heard the sound, they gathered there. People began discussing ghosts as a possible explanation for this incident. On social media, this video has been circulating. Arrangements are being made for the treatment of students in this regard by the Government.

1. It has been revealed that there is another reason behind this incident. A student leading class VIII saw the dead body of an elderly relative of hers hanging from a tree a few days ago. She would scream and cry loudly in between because of its effect on her mind.

2. She started crying like this in class on 26th July. Seeing her, other students began to cry and scream as well.

3. Dr Harish Pokhria, chief medical officer, called this incident Mass Hysteria. Mass Hysteria is when one person gestures in a certain way and the mind of others in the group is also drawn to it and prompted to do the same.

4. Such incidents have occurred previously in Chamoli, Almora and Pithoragarh in the State as well, according to Chief Education Officer Dr Pawan Sharma.

Editorial viewpoint

Students should be protected from such troubles by finding out the reason for it, without mocking it as a superstition.