Will not allow survey and videography inside the Gyanvapi Mosque

Warning issued by ‘Anjuman Inazaniya Masjid Committee’ opposing the Court order

Gyanvapi Mosque

Varanasi (UP) – The Court of Civil Judge Senior Division Varanasi ordered the survey and videography of Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Gyanvapi Mosque, Shringar Gauri Temple, and other buildings in the area around it; between 3rd May to 10th May. The Court has directed that survey and videography should be done inside the mosque as well. But this order of the Court is being opposed by ‘Anjuman Inazaniya Masjid Committee’

The District Administrator and Varanasi Police Commissioner had requested a stay on the Court’s order of survey and videography, in view of preserving the security and peace in the area.

We are ready to face the consequences of the contempt of the Court

In the context of this case, the party for the Muslim side, the respondent Anjuman Inazaniya Masjid Committee’s Joint Secretary, Syed Mohamad Yasin said in any case the survey and videography by the judicial commission would be opposed. No one would be allowed to enter the Gyanvapi Mosque. We will prevent and block it. Contempt of Court we are ready to face the consequences of that, but we will not let anybody enter the Mosque.  This issue is because of the Shringar Gauri Temple, but the Hindus are trying to involve the Gyanvapi Mosque in it. Therefore, earlier two times it was not possible for the Commissioner to do a survey and videography. This survey and videography are being done only because of politics and religious intolerance.

Editorial viewpoints

  • The Court should order the Police to take action against those who do not follow the Court’s orders.
  • From this, it can be understood how arrogant the Islamic organisations have become !