Demand to free Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK)

Political parties of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir hold protests for their demands outside the UN Human Rights Council

Editorial comments

  • Why do the people of PoK have to make such a demand ? For the last several decades’ local people are being harassed in PoK. There are training centres for terrorists, which is an open secret. That being the case, why is the UN Human Rights Council turning a deaf ear and a blind eye ?
  • Not only the UN, but the entire international community knows the plight of the people of PoK, but no one is initiating any steps in that direction.

Geneva (Switzerland) – Political activists from PoK protested against Pakistan outside the UN headquarters of the Human Rights Council. Pakistan has set up training centres for terrorists in PoK. These activists demanded the closure of these centres. The protests were jointly organised by the ‘United Kashmir People’s National Party’, ‘Swiss Kashmir Human Rights’ and ‘Jammu and Kashmir International People’s Alliance’. During the protest, the activists requested the UN for a Pak free PoK.

Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri, refugee leader of PoK said they are victims of Pakistan’s atrocities. The authority of Pakistan should be removed. Our culture is being harmed.

Not only the people of Pakistan occupied Kashmir, Gilgit and Baltistan, but Balochistan and Sindh provinces are also suffering because of Pakistan. We are not afraid of Pakistan and will continue to fight for our fundamental rights.