Raksha Bandhan (22nd August 2021)

When tying the rakhi, the Shakti Principle in the sister manifests and is transmitted to the brother through the wrist !

Shri Lakshmi tied a rakhi on the wrist of Bali, the king of Hell region, thus making him Her brother and liberated Shri Vishnu. This day as per the Hindu lunar Almanac was ‘Shravan Pournima’.

Science underlying Raksha Bandhan

The science underlying Raksha Bandhan can be understood with the help of the Divine Knowledge obtained by Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil.

On the day of Shravan Pournima, high speed vibrations of Yama Principle are activated in the Universe. Particles of the Tejtattva (Absolute Fire Principle) are generated due to the friction between these high speed vibrations. These particles of Tej are emitted into the environment. They become inert because of their union with the Earth particles and create a covering on the ground. This is called ‘raksha’.

Bali, the king of Hell region uses the Raja-Tama vibrations emitted by this raksha to nurture the negative energies. Hence, a woman ties rakhi to a man as a symbol of invoking the Earth, and taking Earth’s help in restraining this action of King Bali.

Significance and purpose of Raksha Bandhan

The brother pledges to protect the sister in every birth. To symbolise this, he allows her to tie a string on his wrist. Since the historical ages this custom is prevalent to keep a brother and sister in a relationship. The rakhi is a symbol of the purity of their relationship.

Just as the brother is bound by a promise to protect the sister, the sister too prays to God for his protection.

On this day, vibrations of Deity Ganesh and Deity Saraswati reach the Earth in higher quantities and the siblings benefit from them to a higher extent.

When tying the rakhi, the Shakti (Divine Energy) Principle in the sister manifests and is transmitted to the brother through the wrist. Thus, he obtains 2% benefit from it for 5 hours.

The more the bhav (Spiritual emotion) in the sister, the more her motivation to attain God and the more the grace of the Guru upon her, greater is the effect of her prayer unto God for her brother which results in higher spiritual progress for him.

Give-and-take account between siblings

The give-and-take account between siblings is approximately 30%. This account is reduced through the medium of festivals such as Raksha Bandhan; so, though the siblings get entangled at the emotional level, subtly the existing give-and-take account between them is settled. Both the embodied souls should take advantage of this opportunity.

Prayer to be made while tying a rakhi

‘I tie you with the same raksha by which the powerful demon King Bali was tied. O’ rakhi, you remain steadfast.’

Appropriate prayer by the brother on Raksha Bandhan : Every brother should pray – ‘In addition to the protection of my sister, let me make efforts for the protection of society, Nation and Dharma’.

Importance of tying rakhi without expectations

If the sister has expectation of some gift from the brother, she is deprived of spiritual benefits. When she does not have any expectations, she benefits from the blessings of the brother. Thus, she benefits at the spiritual level.

Spiritual benefits of Raksha Bandhan

The Principles of Shri Ganesh and Shri Saraswati descend on Earth in higher quantities. By praying for the protection, both benefit from these Principles.

There is increase in the Tejtattva. By waving the Arati, vibrations of the Tejtattva are emitted by the flame of the lamp and help in enhancing the Tejtattva in the brother.

The brother benefits from the Shakti Principle, which is awakened in the sister by tying the rakhi. The brother benefits from this Shakti Principle through the medium of the rakhi.

How should the rakhi be ?

In the ancient times, akshat (Unbroken rice grains) were placed in a white cloth, which was tied with a silk thread as rakhi.

(Ref.: Sanatan Sanstha’s Text – ‘Holy festivals, Religious festivals and Vowed religious observances‘)