Countries that have a provision of Capital punishment for religious conversions

The issue related to the conversions of 1,000 Hindus in Delhi

  • As there is no ‘Anti-Conversion Law’, thousands of Hindus have been converted so far and the trend continues unabated. If the ‘Anti-Conversion Law’ is not put in place, these conversions will continue with rapid pace. Subsequently, a day would come when the Hindus would become a minority in their own country. This also poses a serious threat to our national integrity and potential division of our nation into independent Islamic and Christian nations. This is a real threat, as we have, after all, a pretty exact historical precedent which resulted into formation of Pakistan and Bangladesh.
  • O Hindus, a famous quote by Swatantryaveer Savarkar says, ‘Religious Conversion is tantamount to alteration of the National Allegiance.’ Just expand your horizon, and think about the next 500 years and accordingly make every effort to establish a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ to prevent any more subdivisions of our beloved nation.

New Delhi – The Constitution of India entitles the citizens to propagate their religion. Consequently, everyone is free to propagate his religion in this country. This provision also paves the way for hatching devious plans for religious conversions. To make matters worse, there is no law to forbid the conversions. This has proved to be a boon for Christian Missionaries and Islamic Organisations. A few days ago, the case of conversions of 1,000 vulnerable Hindus in Delhi came to light. Two Islamic clerics have been arrested in this regard. These religious fanatics will be booked and punished as per the provisions of the law. The cases of religious conversions are quite negligible in other countries as a result of provisions of severe punishments for such an offense.

Here is the list of countries in which there are provisions for severe punishments in the law to prevent any religious conversion :-

Nepal : Anyone can voluntarily convert to the religion of his choice, however, he cannot convert anyone else. If anyone ventures to convert others, as per the law, he gets imprisoned for 3 years.

Myanmar : It has enacted 4 laws against religious conversions in 2015. As per the laws, those willing to covert (to other religion) must take due permission from the Government for the same. Moreover, if a Buddhist girl wishes to marry someone from other religion, it automatically ensues a Government inquiry.

Bhutan : There is a national law against those who lure or forcibly convert, and there is a provision for severe punishment.

Sri Lanka : It has enacted a national law against religious conversions in 2004, however, subsequently, the Supreme Court had issued a stay order against the law. Many cases of conversions had come to light in which the helpless Tsunami victims were lured with promises of jobs, houses and money by the Christian Missionaries, taking undue advantage of the havoc caused by the natural calamity. (This is the true nature of the Christian Missionaries – Editor)

Greece : There is a complete ban on religious conversions. In fact, no one, other than the Greek Orthodox Church, can propagate the religion.

Somalia, Sudan and Saudi Arabia : To get converted to any religion other than Islam is strictly prohibited in these Islamic nations.

Maldives : It is an Islamic Island Nation. The citizenship gets revoked, if any Muslim citizen converts his religion.

Malaysia : Due permission needs to be obtained from a Sharia court if one wishes to convert to some other religion. A Malaysian girl had an affair with an Indian youth of Christian faith who was in Malaysia. Subsequently, she had converted to Christianity. When this issue was brought to the notice of the judiciary, the conversion was deemed illegal.

Afghanistan : There is a complete ban on conversions to other religions than Islam. The judiciary of the country had ordered capital punishment to the person who had earlier abandoned Islam for Christianity.

Jordan , Egypt and Kuwait : In these Islamic nations, there is a provision of imprisonment for getting converted to any religion, other than Islam.