Excessive use of antibiotics results in creation of a major bug leading to death of 60% of Covid victims !

Infection and Drug Testing Journal’s astonishing claims !

New Delhi – More than three lakh people have died due to Covid in the country. The Infection and Drug Testing Journal has published the cause of these deaths in a research article. The excessive administration of antibiotics to Covid patients leads to development of a ‘superbug’ in their bodies. Consequently, bacterial and fungal infections spread rapidly. Nearly 60% of the deaths of Covid patients have occurred due to this reason. Thus, the prime cause of death in such cases is due to the ‘superbug’ developed as a consequence of the bacterial and fungal infections. Only 11% of deaths have occurred amongst those Covid patients who were not affected by the ‘superbug’. A majority of these people were suffering from problems such as diabetes and blood pressure.

  1. According to the research published by the Infection and Drug Testing Journal, antibiotics are used to make the micro-organisms ineffective. But, if the antibiotics are administered in high doses, the micro-organisms develop resistance to fight the antibiotics. Consequently, there is no effect of the antibiotics on patients.
  2. Bacterial and fungal infections were reported to some extent in patients admitted to hospitals during the first wave of Covid. These infections were spread by micro-organisms that were trying to make the medicines ineffective. To collect information regarding this issue, researchers studied 17,563 patients across 10 hospitals in the country. According to the study, 28% of these Covid patients were suffering from bacterial and fungal infections. Since the micro-organisms had made the antibiotics ineffective, these Covid patients were affected by bacterial and fungal infections.