India-China agree on 5 point consensus to reduce tension at the border

Discussions on accelerating the efforts to take the troops back

China is constantly engaged in mischief with India, then settling things down through discussions with India and then again infiltrate into the Indian border. This pattern seems to have become China’s business. To reduce the tensions at the borders, rather than discussions, it is essential to teach China such a lesson that it would never ever dare to play any mischief with India !

Moscow (Russia) – A tense situation has developed in Ladakh due to the intrusion of China and the stand-off of between Indian and Chinese soldiers face to face at Line of Actual Control. India and China agreed to a 5 point plan to reduce the tension. In addition, there was a discussion to disengage the troops at the border.

Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi had a face to face discussion at Moscow on 10th September for around 2.5 hours regarding the tension at Ladakh border. They both agreed on a 5 point consensus – both the countries should continue their dialogues, should accelerate the procedure of disengaging the army troops from border, the tension between two countries should be reduced, etc. Ministry of External Affairs stated that it has been agreed in this talk that the difference of opinions between the two countries should not turn into arguments. The Chinese Foreign Minister said that the relations between the two countries will be taken in the right direction. There are no problems or challenges which cannot be resolved,’ said Yi.