Perform spiritual remedies such as chanting very seriously, taking them to be the Sanjeevani from Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale to stay alive during the adverse times !

With the adverse conditions prevailing everywhere now, seekers should ensure that they perform all the prescribed spiritual remedies such as chanting, etc. daily in this period.
1. Chanting : Sanatan’s Saint H.H. (Dr.) Mukul Gadgil has given a chant for developing immunity in ourselves and increasing spiritual strength in the current situation. Ensure that this set of chants – Shri Durgadevyai Namaha x 3 times – Shri Gurudev Datta x once – Shri Durgadevyai Namaha x 3 times – Om Namaha Shivaya x once – is completed 108 times (1 mala or rosary) everyday.
This chant is available on –
2. Recite Stotras : Listen to Chandikavach (Devikavach) in the morning and ‘Bagalamukhi Digbandhan Stotra’ in the evening for protection during the adverse times.
These Stotras are available on –
3. Wear Rakshayantra and Ramkavach : Paratpar Guru Pande Maharaj had guided seekers to wear Rakshayantra daily in an amulet; in addition, wear Ramkavach too. Replace the red thread used for wearing Rakshayantra and Ramkavach, as well as the copy of Rakshayantra placed in the amulet every 2 months. Burn the used red threads and the print of Rakshayantra, and wear new threads and print of Rakshayantra. There is no need to replace the amulet.
The Rakshayantra and related instructions are available on –
4. Purify the Name-strips of ‘Nirgun’ with a lit incense-stick every day and then place it on the Vishuddha and Sahasrar-chakra.
5. Every hour, remove black covering around the 7 chakras with an unlit incense-stick or with the hands : Remove the covering of distressful energy accumulated around the chakras (from Sahasrar to Swadhishthan) for 2-3 minutes every hour. Seekers who have severe distress should use unlit incense-stick, while those who do not have distress should use their hands. Then, inhale fragrance of Bhimseni camphor. While performing this remedy, pray to Shrikrushna – ‘Please purify my body and let me feel enthusiastic’.
Negative energies are hell-bent on disrupting the spiritual practice of seekers in whatever way they can ! Distress caused by them is going to increase in the severe adverse times, therefore, it is imperative that seekers perform these spiritual remedies seriously in this period.
O’ Seekers ! Omnipotent God is with us. Hence, instead of succumbing to the adverse situation, perform all the spiritual remedies with complete faith and by remaining calm.
– Sadguru (Mrs.) Binda Singbal, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa.
Seekers should give feedback to their responsible seeker about having performed these spiritual remedies daily.