Jalgaon, Maharashtra – A goods truck accidentally broke the closed gate near Bodvad railway station and came on the railway track, where it collided with Amaravati express. This incident took place on 14th March at 5 a.m. Since the train was slow, a major mishap was averted. Due to this accident the traffic on the Bhusawal-Nagpur-Howra route came to a halt since morning.
1.Bodvad railway gate was closed because of construction of a flyover. Since the goods truck driver did not know about this, he drove the truck at high speed. He saw the gate closed at the last minute but could not stop the truck. Consequently, the truck ran into the closed gate and stopped on the railway track.
2.At this time the speed of Amaravati express was slow. So, it could be stopped, however, the collision smashed the truck and wheat sacks which were loaded inside, got scattered. Several passengers sleeping on the berths fell off due to sudden brake of the Express.
3.Taking advantage of the darkness in the early morning, the driver fled. With the help of JCB, the work of removing the smashed truck and the sacks of wheat, was done on a war footing.