Cow smugglers open fire on cow protectors in Rajasthan

Cow vigilantes in Rajasthan

Dholpur (Rajasthan) – Cow smugglers opened fire on a group of cow protectors in Dholpur, Rajasthan while transporting cows from Dholpur to Uttar Pradesh by cramming them in a container. As soon as the cow protectors reached there, the cow smugglers opened fire on them. One cow protector got injured in the firing. The cow smugglers fled the scene with a vehicle full of cows. On receiving information about this, the police set up a roadblock and arrested 3 cow smugglers. The police have seized the vehicle of the cow smugglers. The police are investigating further into the matter.

Editorial Perspective

Hindus expect cow protectors to be safe and cow smugglers to be in jail while there is a BJP Government in Rajasthan.