Muslim population increases five times more than Hindus in Kerala

Information from ‘Centre for Policy Studies (CPS)’ Report

Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) – The population of Muslims is half of Hindus in Kerala; however, Kerala Muslims have way higher live births than their share in population, as 44% of the new born children in Kerala are Muslims. On the other hand, the number of deaths in Muslims is very less compared to their population. As such, Muslim population is increasing every year compared to the population of Hindus. The rise in Muslim population is five times more than Hindus. This data has been given in the report published by ‘Centre for Policy Studies’.

1.Science of demography in India with regard to religion : This report is titled as ‘Religious Demography of India : Rising Religious Imbalance’. It gives findings of research conducted on the data from 2008 to 2021 on the statistics of Hindus, Muslims, Christians and others in Kerala. The report also discusses the effect of new births, and deaths on the population.

2.It has been mentioned in the report that from 2016, maximum children are born in Muslims. In 2016, the number of Hindu children born was 2,07,000 while Muslim children born in 2016 were 2,11,000. Same was the situation in 2017 as the number of Hindu children was 2,10,071 and the number of Muslim children born in 2017 was 2, 16, 525. The situation continued till 2020. Only in 2021, there was a rise in the number of new born Hindu children.

3.The population of Hindus in the State is 55% while Muslim population is around 27%. In 2008, 45% were Hindu children born among the total births, Muslim children were 27% and Christians were around 17.5%.  Till 2020, however, the percentage of Hindu children came down to 41.4 while Muslim births rose to 44%.

4.Since 1950, Muslim population has been growing fast in Kerala. From 2001 to 2011, Hindu population rose by only 2.23% , Christian population rose by 1.38% while Muslim population increased by 12.8%.

5.The percentage of deaths in Muslims was 20 during 2008 to 2021 which is too low compared to the rise in their population by 26.5%. In Hindus, however, the percentage of deaths is 60.

Muslim population is growing by more than one lakh in Kerala

In 2021, 1,04,000 new people were added to Muslim population when Hindu population increased by 1099 and Christian population decreased by 6218. (Editorial Perspective : It may be noted that this number doesn’t take into account Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators ) Muslim population has gone up from 26% to 29% during 2011-20 and at the same time, the percentage of Hindu population has been going down. As per the CPS report, the difference may widen in the future.

Editorial Perspective

It shows that Kerala would be a Muslim majority  State in 30-40 years. Kerala might then follow the footsteps of Kashmir. India needs to be declared as a Hindu Rashtra before such situation arises.