Unique research on the effect on Apta leaf (Mountain ebony) on the day of Dasara !

Scientific study conducted by Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay using the UAS (Universal Aura Scanner)

Apta Leaves








Mrs. Madhura Dhananjay Karve

Ashwin Shuddha Dashami, meaning ‘Dussehra’ is one among the three and a half auspicious days. Offering Apta leaves on Dussehra has special significance. In 2018 Paratpar Guru Pande Maharaj and a seeker of Sanatan offered an Apta leaf each to Sachchidanand Parabrahman Dr Athavale on the occasion of Dussehra. Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay conducted research using the Universal Aura scanner (UAS) to study the effect on the Apta leaf on the day of Dussehra. Interpretation, conclusion and the spiritual analysis of these observations is given below.

1. Analysis of the observations in the study :

Mr. Ashish Sawant using the U.A.S. device for the experiment

In this study, the Apta leaves offered by Paratpar Guru Pande Maharaj and a seeker to Sachchidanand Parabrahman Dr Athavale on the occasion of Dussehra were compared with the Apta leaves from the Sanatan Ashram   plantation. The analysis of the observations from the UAS readings is given ahead.

The Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) was developed in 2005 by Dr. Mannem Murthy, a former nuclear scientist from Telengana. By using this instrument the energy and the aura of an object, a premises, an animal or an individual can be measured.

1 A. Positive Energy Aura of all the three leaves increased on the day of Dussehra : No negative Energy Aura was detected in either of the three Apta leaves. A day prior to Dussehra, positive Energy was detected in all the three Apta leaves. Positive Energy Aura of all the three leaves increased on Dussehra. The leaf offered by Paratpar Guru Pande Maharaj had maximum positive Energy Aura.

Apta leaves Positive Energy Aura (Metres)
Day before Dussehra On   Dussehra
1. Apta leaf from ashram plantation 1.36 2.97
2. Apta leaf offered by  seeker 1.21 3.06
3. Apta leaf offered by Paratpar Guru Pande Maharaj 2.27 4.18

2. Conclusion :

Basically there being positive Energy Aura in the Apta leaves, there was a further increase in their positive Energy Aura on the day of Dussehra.

3. Spiritual analysis of the observations in the study

3 A.  Reason for positive Energy Aura in all the three Apta leaves, even a day prior to Dussehra : ‘Compared to other trees, Apta leaves have more chlorophyll. When the sunrays fall on the leaves, their Tej-tattva (Absolute Fire principle) gets activated. The radiance emitted from them continues to exist in the environment for a long time.’ (Reference : Sanatan’s Holy text ‘Appropriate method and science in celebrating Holy festivals’)

As all the three Apta leaves basically had Tej- tattva the study showed that the leaves had positive Energy Aura even a day prior to Dussehra.

3 B. Reason for the positive energy aura of the Apta leaves from the Ashram plantation to be more than the leaf offered by the seeker a day prior to Dussehra : Due to the presence of Saints and seekers in the Sanatan Ashram, their daily spiritual practice and unparalled service to the Nation and Dharma, there is Sattvikta and Chaitanya to a large extent in the Sanatan Ashram and the adjoining area. This positive effect is seen on the people, vegetables and things there, so also on the Apta leaves in the plantation. Therefore, in the study, the leaf from the Ashram plantation was found to contain more positive energy aura compared to the leaf offered by the seeker. This shows how a Sattvik environment affects even the vegetation around.

3 C. Reason for maximum positive Energy Aura in the Apta leaf offered by Paratpar Guru Pande Maharaj a day prior to Dussehra : Paratpar Guru Pande Maharaj being at the level of ‘Paratpar Guru’ (Spiritual level more than 90%), possessed a lot of Chaitanya (Divine consciousness). Chaitanya in the Saints affects Their body, Their surrounding environment, things used by Them and the people in Their contact. The leaf given by Paratpar Guru Pande Maharaj had increased Sattvikta due to His touch. Therefore a day prior to Dussehra, the Apta leaf offered by the Saint was found to contain maximum positive Energy Aura. This shows the effect of the Chaitanya of a Saint on vegetation around.

3 D. Reason behind the increase in the positive energy aura of all the three Apta leaves on the day of Dussehra : Ashwin Shuddha Dashami, that is the day of Dussehra is one of the three and half auspicious days (Sade teen muhurt). On this day, Divine vibrations from the Universe are attracted to the Earth plane to a larger extent and remain active. Tej-tattva in the Apta leaves being more manifest on the Dussehra day, wishing others by offering Apta leaves on that day is especially important. Tej-tattva of all three Apta leaves being more manifest on the Dussehra day, the positive Energy Aura increased. From this, it is understood that in Hindu Dharma, celebrating specific festivals as per the specific tithi (lunar day as per the Hindu almanac) is practised as per the Science of  Spirituality.

3 E. Reason for more positive energy aura on Dussehra day in the leaf offered by the seeker than the Ashram plantation leaf  : Guru is the manifest form of God ! Guru is everything for a seeker and he does spiritual practice advocated by His Guru with yearning. On the occasion of Dussehra, the seeker had offered an Apta leaf to Sachchidanand Parabrahman Dr with spiritual emotion (bhav) of gratitude. Like other leaves, the leaf offered by the seeker also had increased Tej-tattva on Dussehra. Due to his spiritual emotion towards Guru, the Chaitanya in the leaf increased further. Therefore, compared to the positive Energy Aura in the Ashram plantation leaf, the leaf offered by the seeker had more positive Energy Aura. From this, the importance for a seeker to have bhav unto the Guru becomes apparent.

3 F. Reason for maximum positive energy aura in the leaf offered by Paratpar Guru Pande Maharaj on  Dussehra : Though Paratpar Guru Pande Maharaj was a highly evolved Saint, yet He considered Sachchidanand Parabrahman Dr Athavale as His Guru and had a lot of bhav towards Him. On the occasion of Dussehra, He offered an Apta leaf to Sachchidanand Parabrahman Dr with the spiritual emotion of gratitude. Though the leaf basically had Sattvikta to a large extent because it was offered by a Saint of a high order ‘as a disciple unto His Guru’, and with the spiritual emotion of gratitude, the Tej-tattva and Chaitanya in the leaf increased to a large extent on the day of Dussehra. The Apta leaf offered  by Paratpar Guru Pande Maharaj therefore had maximum positive Energy Aura.

– Mrs. Madhura Dhananjay Karve, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa. (29.8.2019)

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