During ‘Navaratri’, spread knowledge and sell Sanatan’s Texts and Booklets, pictures of Deities and chant-strips

‘Navaratri’ Festival is starting from 3rd October 2024. During this period, people across the country mainly worship the Goddess.

Sanatan Sanstha has published Texts and Booklets on the spiritual science about the Goddess; so also, pictures and chant-strips that bestow spiritual experiences associated with the Goddess Principle. It is essential to spread this information on how to worship the Goddess as per our Scriptures and about Sanatan’s sattvik (Spiritually pure) products so that the devotees get maximum benefit of the Goddess Principle.

1. Texts and Booklets that provide information about the Goddess

1A. Information on how to worship ‘Shakti (Divine Energy)’ is given in ‘Introduction to Divine Energy (Shakti)’ and the ‘Worship of Divine Energy (Shakti)’ : These Texts contain valuable information on the different names and types of ‘Shakti’ and their functions, specialities of worshipping the Goddess, and the science of sculpting Idols.

(A separate Booklet is also available which provides this information.)

1B. Booklet on knowledge about worshipping the Goddess : Booklet titled ‘Science underlying rituals related to worship of the Goddess’ is available.

2. Sanatan’s sattvik products

2A. Picture with Shakti Principle : The sattvik picture of Shri Durgadevi made by Sanatan contains 30.5% Goddess Principle. In Kaliyug, any Idol or a picture of a Deity can contain a maximum 30% Principle of that Deity.

(This picture is available in 3 sizes – small, medium and big.)

The pictures of Deities available commercially contain 2-3% of that Deity’s Principle.

2B. Lockets which have pictures of ‘Shiva-Durga’ and ‘Shrikrushna-Lakshmi’ are also available.

2C. Chant-strips : The chant-strip has Shakti when the letters of the chant are sattvik. Sanatan has prepared chant-strips of different Deities by studying the sattvik letter-writing and the type of brackets around the chant which is complementary to the Deity’s Principle.

Besides the Texts and Booklets mentioned earlier, the following can also be distributed.

1. Books

A. Appropriate method and science in celebrating Holy festivals

B. Spiritual benefits of Religious festivals and Vowed observances

C. Spiritual benefits of Indian Jewellery

D. Ornaments for men-women – Elucidates and analyses the superiority of sattvik ornaments

2. Booklets

A. Spiritual science related to women wearing Ornaments

B. Sattvik Rangolis

(For more, visit : Sanatanshop.com)