Hindus are responsible for both good or bad that happens in India : H.H. Sarsanghachalak Dr Mohanji Bhagwat

P.S. Sarsanghchalak Mohanji Bhagwat

Alwar (Rajasthan) – ” If something good happens in the country, Hindus get credit for it and if something goes wrong, the responsibility also falls on the Hindu society, because they assume a leading and constructive role in the affairs of this country,” stated the RSS Chief H.H. Dr Mohanji Bhagwat, while addressing volunteers at the Indira Gandhi Stadium here.

Key points presented by the RSS Chief :

1. What we refer to as Hindu Dharma is, in reality, the true human religion. It is a universal religion that seeks the welfare of all beings. A Hindu is the most generous person in the world, someone who accepts everything and harbours goodwill toward everyone. A Hindu does not use knowledge to create conflict but rather to impart wisdom.

2. Family values in the country are under threat. Due to the misuse of media, the new generation is rapidly forgetting these values, which is a matter of concern.