Bangladesh’s fundamentalist leader Mufti Zubair Rahmani enters India

Investigation continues as to how Rahmani reached India

Mufti Zubair Rahmani

New Delhi – Bangladeshi fundamentalist leader Mufti Mahmudul Hassan Zubair alias Mufti Zubair Rahmani has recently arrived in India from Haridaspur border post in Bengal. Rahmani is suspected of being involved in anti-India activities and having links with the chiefs of the jihadi outfit Ansarullah Bangla Team. How did he come to India and what activities does he do here?, the Indian authorities are investigating. The Government’s role in the Rahmani case has been on everyone’s attention. Rahmani visited the Islamic Institute in Delhi and Darul Uloom Deoband in Uttar Pradesh. (Would the Indian Government have the guts to take action against Rahmani, who is dangerous to India ? – Editor)

Rahmani was recently released from jail

Rahmani has been spreading anti-India propaganda through social media and is accused of supporting anti-India elements, terrorists and boycotting Indian products. He is also alleged to have supported the demand for the separation of the North- Eastern states from India.

Last month, an interim Government was formed under the leadership of Mohammad Yunus of Bangladesh. The Government had released terrorist leaders from jail under pressure from the banned Jamaat-e-Islami political party. At that time Rahmani was released from Kashimpur Central Jail. Jamaat-e-Islami, a political outfit, was declared illegal by the previous Sheikh Hasina Government.

Editorial Perspective

Since Rahmani has arrived in India, it is certain that the efficiency of the Indian security system will be questioned. Rahmani, who is known as the enemy of India, reaches India and Indian agencies do not get information about it, this is outrageous.