Reactions of agonised Hindus following the attack by Muslims on Hindus in Mandya (Karnataka)

  • Case of Muslim attack on Ganesh idol immersion procession

  • Do Hindus need permission from Muslims, instead of the District Collector, to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi in India ? : A striking reaction from a Hindu

Mandya (Karnataka) – Muslims attacked the processions of Hindus in Mandya, Karnataka on the night of 11th September 2024. In his spontaneous reaction, a local Hindu stated, “There is a need for mass awareness in the Hindu community and Hindu festivals require protection. We can observe from our history that Hindus have never attacked Muslim shops. In India, where 95% of the population is Hindu, do Hindus need to seek permission from Muslims, instead of the District Collector, to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi ? Muslims throw petrol bombs and brandish swords. Has anyone thought of the situation if Hindus retaliated with swords ? Muslims should avoid provoking Hindus.”

Damage of 1.5 crore rupees : Bhimraj, Owner of ‘Sadhana Textiles’

Many Hindu-owned shops were set on fire in Mandya, including ‘Sadhana Textiles’. Bhimraj, its owner, said, “Our shop caught fire, causing a loss of 1.5 crore rupees. (This loss should be recovered from the Muslim rioters – Editor). All the clothes in the store have been completely burnt. At around 12:30 a.m., people broke into the shop and set it on fire. I called the fire brigade and put out the fire. Later, more than 200 people attacked the shop again with glass bottles and stones. Even the Police present on the scene fled, and we too ran behind them to save our lives. If the Police themselves didn’t feel safe, how could we be safe ? Some of us came back to protect the shop, but what could we do against the mob of 100-200 people ? At that moment, I thought we might lose our lives. Due to this loss, I feel as if I have to again make a beginning as I did twenty years ago and rebuild everything.”

Editorial Perspective

The situation of Hindus in Mandya today, should not spread to other parts of India. Effective unity of Hindus is the only solution to avoid this.