For the first time in Pimpri, Pune, Ganesh Idols will be dissolved through chemical processes at dissolution centres

  • Pune Municipal Corporation’s Tughlaqi decision

  • Ammonium bicarbonate will be used for dissolving Ganesh Idols

  • Anti-religious appeal to cooperate with the municipal corporation by donating Ganesh Idols

Pimpri (District Pune) – This year, for the first time, Idol dissolution centres have been established in the city to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi in an environmentally friendly manner. The municipal corporation has taken the initiative for an eco-friendly Ganesh festival and has set up a total of 15 dissolution centres, each measuring 40 feet by 30 feet and 5 feet deep, at various regional offices. For the first time, Ganesh Idols will be dissolved through a scientifically approved chemical process at these centres, according to the Commissioner and Administrator Shekhar Singh. To avoid pollution of rivers and lakes, Singh has urged citizens to cooperate with the municipal corporation by donating Ganesh Idols at these collection centres.

“We will ensure that Idols are not immersed in natural water sources !” – Shekhar Singh, Commissioner

Singh further stated that Ammonium bicarbonate, a chemical provided by the National Chemical and Fertilizer Limited, will be used for scientifically approved dissolution of the Idols at collection centres. The environmental department will guide regional officials on the proper use of this chemical. Afterward, the Idols collected at the centres will be dissolved in artificial ponds. The dissolution process will be coordinated by the environmental department and regional offices. It will be ensured at the regional level that no idols are immersed in natural water sources under any circumstances.

85 Ganesh Idol Donation Centres in Pimpri City

To celebrate the Ganesh festival in an eco-friendly manner, 85 Idol donation and collection centres have been set up post-immersion. The municipal corporation has urged citizens to cooperate by donating Idols or immersing them at artificial immersion sites to celebrate the festival in an environmentally friendly manner. (Do not donate Ganesh Idols; as humans do not have the capacity to donate or receive Deities. According to spiritual teachings, immersing Ganesh Idols in flowing water provides spiritual benefits to everyone. Therefore, instead of making unscientific appeals, the administration should follow what the religious texts say and make appeals accordingly. – Editor)

Editorial Perspectives


  • Dissolving Ganesh Idols, which devotees worship with devotion, using chemicals, is a Government-approved way of desecrating the Idols ! Hindus must reprimand the municipal corporation that has made this anti-Hindu dharma decision.
  • It wouldn’t be wrong if someone thinks that the municipal officials who decided to dissolve Ganesh Idols under the guise of saving the environment are modern-day Mahmud of Ghazni. Why does the municipal corporation remain oblivious when cow slaughter is happening openly during Eid ?