Ms Girija Nilesh Tavalare experiences Shrikrushna’s support while drawing His pictures

Picture of Shrikrushna drawn by Ms Girija

When I get irritated while my parents are away and not at the Sevakendra or something happens against my wishes, I write down my thoughts or draw a picture of Shrikrushna. Even while drawing His picture shown here, my state of mind was not all that good.

1. Experiencing Shrikrushna’s support while narrating to Him her disturbed state of mind and then drawing His picture : Once, while my parents were away and not at the Sevakendra, one incident irritated me. As was my habit, I started drawing a picture of Shrikrushna, simultaneously narrating to Him my thoughts. I perceived that Shrikrushna is listening to me. I could not complete this drawing in one go; however, I felt relieved with whatever I had completed. I stopped crying and perceived His support while I was alone. Later, I completed the drawing.

2. Since I believe that Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale is Shrikrushna Himself, gifting Him this picture : After this incident, I came to know that my father, Mr Nilesh Tavalare, will be going to Sanatan’s Ramnathi Ashram. I firmly believe that Gurudev is Shrikrushna Himself; hence, I felt like gifting this picture to Him. So, I sent this picture to Him with my father.

– Ms Girija Nilesh Tavalare (Spiritual level 63%, Age 10), Amravati, Maharashtra. (15.9.2023)

There is a lot to learn from this seemingly small incident.

1. During any adversity, God is the only support.

2. God expects bhav (Spiritual emotion), not money.

3. Do not go away from God.

4. God provides support; all the same, we cannot escape our sufferings, for they are the consequence of our karma.

5. God even relieves us of our sufferings, only if efforts are adequate.

(These points match the incident. This is the process to be followed while fulfilling the purpose of our life; however, it should be accompanied by restraint and faith. – Editor)

When it comes to Deities, everyone has a favourite; however, it is Shrikrushna who gives the spiritual experiences of the respective Deities and the corresponding fruit to the devotee; also, it is He, who enhances the faith of the devotees. It is for this reason that Shrikrushna showed Arjun the Universal vision (Vishwadarshan). This is priceless.

In Shrimadbhagawadgeeta, 7.21, He says : Whatever celestial form a devotee seeks to worship with faith, I steady his faith in that form.

In Shrimadbhagawadgeeta, 7.22, He says : Bestowed with faith, the devotee worships a particular celestial God and obtains the objects of desire. But in reality, I alone arrange these benefits.