American pornstar’s picture displayed on the event notification board of a temple in Tamil Nadu

A picture of an obscene American actress on a plaque at the temple event
There is no intention behind publishing the above picture to hurt anyone’s religious sentiments. This picture has been published for information. –editor

Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu) – A religious event is organised at the Nagathamman and Seliyamman temples in Kuruvimalai village of the District. The entire temple area is decorated on the occasion. A picture of American pornstar Mia Khalifa is printed next to Deity Parvati on a board by some youngsters. She is dressed in Indian attire holding the goddess’s kalash on her head. Local Hindus have expressed their anger against this. As soon as the Police learnt about the incident, they removed the board. They are investigating the incident. Photographs of some youths were also printed on this board.

Editorial Perspective

Has this kind of thing ever happened in the religious programmes of any other religion ? Please note that such incidents happen only due to the lack of education of Dharma among Hindus.