By avoiding grammatical mistakes in any writing, negative Energy in it is destroyed and positivity is increased !- Research by Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay

Research by Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay

Mr. Girish Pandit Patil

An individual automatically learns to speak a language; but has to make efforts in learning to write. Grammar of a language standardises the writing of that language and teaches the correct usage of the language. Therefore, grammar and spelling are of special importance in every language. Grammatical symbols also bring meaning to writing. If the rules of grammar are not followed, the meaning of words and sentences is often misunderstood and can be wrongly interpreted. Effective use of grammar makes writing easier and more meaningful.

Mr. Ashish Sawant using the U.A.S. device for the experiment

Scientific research was conducted using the Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) to study the effect of how making grammatical corrections as per rules, to a writing can bring about a change in the writing. The UAS device can measure the positive Energy and negative Energy of individuals, premises and objects.

The Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) was developed in 2005 by Dr. Mannem Murthy, a former nuclear scientist from Telengana. By using this instrument the Energy and the aura of an object, a premises, an animal or an individual can be measured.

1. Observations in the study : For this study, grammatically incorrect writing of 10 to 12 sentences from a Marathi book were selected. Later, the same writing was studied after corrections as per grammar rules. A subtle experiment was conducted to study what readers perceived on looking at the concern writing which was grammatically incorrect and grammatically correct as applicable. Observations of this study are given ahead.

1 A. Observations of the writing

Writing used for the study Negative Energy aura (metres) Positive Energy aura (metres)
1. Grammatically incorrect  writing 101.60 0
2.  Grammatically correct  writing 0 23.30

1 B.  Study of what readers perceived on looking at the writing which was grammatically incorrect and grammatically correct : In this study, 10 individuals were asked to look at the 2 writings and observe what they perceive subtly. From the table given ahead, it can be seen that 7 out of 10 individuals felt unpleasant looking at the grammatically incorrect writing, and felt pleasant looking at the grammatically correct writing.

Grammatically incorrect writing Grammatically correct writing
How many felt  pleasant ? 3 7
How many felt unpleasant ? 7 3
Total individuals 10 10

2. Conclusions of the study

A. In the grammatically incorrect writing  there was a lot of negative Energy  and no positive Energy .

B. After correcting the writing according to the rules of grammar, the negative Energy in it disappeared and positive Energy was generated.

3. Spiritual analysis of the observations of the study

3 A. Reason for  negative Energy in the grammatically incorrect writing :  A spiritual rule states that, ‘Word, touch, form, taste, odour and their Energy co-exist’, Accordingly as per the type of writing the vibrations emitted from it will change.  Hence, a large amount of negative Energy was found in the grammatically incorrect writing.

3 B. Reason why positive energy was found in  the grammatically incorrect writing : The Marathi language has been derived from ‘Sanskrut’  which  is a Divine language. Therefore, if the rules of grammar are followed in its writing then the writing becomes perfect and Divine (Sattvik) vibrations are attracted to it. The same effect was observed after correcting the grammatically incorrect writing, wherein lot of positive energy was attracted. From this, it can be seen that avoiding grammatical mistakes increases the positive vibrations in any writing.

4. Appeal to the readers – While writing,  meticulously follow the grammar rules of that language ! : If there are grammatical mistakes in a writing, they attract negative Energy and emit that Energy onto the readers. As a result, the negative Energy in the individual reading such writing increases and the individual’s positive Energy can reduce. Individuals reading  grammatically incorrect writing regularly will  be affected negatively by that writing hence, while writing in any language, one should pay close attention to the rules of grammar !’

– Mr. Girish Pandit Patil, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa. (16.2.2024)

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