Will convert 23 Hindu boys and girls to Islam and marry them to Muslims : Mass wedding ceremony on 21st July

Provocative statement of Maulana Tauqeer Raza

(Maulana means Scholar of Islam)

Maulana Tauqeer Raza

Bareilly (UP) – Maulana Tauqeer Raza Khan, President of the ‘Ittehad-e-Millat Council’ (IMC), announced that 23 Hindu boys and girls have expressed their desire to convert to Islam and subsequently marry Muslims. He also informed that in the first phase, a mass wedding ceremony for 5 couples will be held on 21stJuly.

Nadeem Qureshi, the in-charge of IMC, provided further information that permission has been sought from the city magistrate to organise the mass wedding programme on 21stJuly 2024. Maulana Tauqeer Raza said that such mass weddings should be permitted to set an example of ‘Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb'(a culture depicting so-called unity between Hindus and Muslims living on the banks of the Ganga and Yamuna rivers) in the country.

This is a conspiracy to disturb peace and order : Mahant Pandit Sushil Pathak

“Maulana Tauqeer is conspiring to disturb the peace and order of Bareilly by making such inflammatory statements. The Yogi Government should take strict action against him,” demanded Mahant Pandit Sushil Pathak of Shirdi Sai Sarvadev Temple.

Officials of the Nath Nagari Suraksha Group have also objected to this conversion. The branch president of the organisation, Durgesh Gupta, said that he will meet with the District magistrate to oppose this.

Editorial Perspectives

  • In Hindu-majority India, it is shameful for the Government and 1 billion Hindus that a religious leader of the minority community openly declares his intention to convert Hindus and no action is taken against him.
  • This is an example of how the Jihadi conspiracy of ‘Ghazwa-e-Hind’ (Islamisation of India) by 2047 is being implemented. Will Hindus wake up now ?