Watching horror films has a negative effect on an individual’s subtle energy (Aura)

Scientific study conducted by ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’

Mr. Girish Pandit Patil

‘In today’s hectic life, people are looking for entertainment. Watching movies has become the main means of entertainment. Some watch movies only as entertainment, while others as a hobby. There are many types of movies, like comedy, silent, horror, devotional, fictional, etc. An individual imbibes vibrations as per the movie he watches.

Scientific research was conducted using the Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) to study the effect of a horror movie on the subtle Energy (Aura) of an individual. With this device, the positive Energy and negative Energy of individuals, premises and objects can be measured.

Mr. Ashish Sawant using the U.A.S. device for the experiment

The Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) was developed in 2005 by Dr. Mannem Murthy, a former nuclear scientist from Telengana. By using this instrument the energy and the aura of an object, a premises, an animal or an individual can be measured.

1. Observations of the study :

In this study, UAS readings of 4 individuals were taken before and after watching horror movies. The observations of the study are given ahead.

Individuals in the study Negative Energy Aura (Metres) Positive Energy Aura (Metres)
Before  the movie After  the movie One day after watching the movie Before  the movie After  the movie One day after watching the movie
1. Individual with severe spiritual distress 16.60 26.64 22.48 0.79 0 0
2. Individual with no spiritual distress 7.15 16.70 10.44 5.48 1.14 4.42
3. Individual with severe spiritual distress  and more than 61 percent spiritual level 13.30 14.90 23.78 14.48 8.14  3.13
4. Individual with no spiritual distress and more than 61 percent spiritual level  5.08 23.10  9.22 14.62 5.89 10.90

Note – As the present period is raja-tama predominant, one’s mind, intellect and body are covered with raja-tama vibrations. Therefore, even the individuals without spiritual distress were found having distressing vibrations to some extent. To protect against these distressing vibrations, one needs to get rid of the distressing Energy covering, intermittently. For removing this covering, various methods can be used like applying Holy ash (Vibhuti), sprinkling cow’s urine (Gomutra), reciting or listening to Holy verses (Stotras), chanting etc.

2. Analysis of the observations and conclusions

A. After watching the horror movie, the negative Energy Aura of all the four individuals increased to a large extent and the positive Energy Aura reduced to a large extent. From this, it became apparent that ‘Watching horror movies has negative effects on the subtle Energy of an individual’.

B. This negative effect was greater in individuals with severe spiritual distress than in individuals with no spiritual distress.

C. This negative effect persisted for all even on the next day, in different proportions.

Conclusion : It is spiritually harmful for an individual to watch horror movies.

3. Spiritual analysis of the observations of the  study

3 A. Reason why watching a horror movie has a negative effect on all individuals in the study : Negative vibrations emitted from the horror movie increased the distressing Energy covering on all the individuals in the study. Therefore their negative Energy Aura increased to a large extent and positive Energy Aura reduced a lot. The negative effect on the subtle Energy lasted even the next day, in different proportions.

3 B. Reasons for greater negative effect in individuals with severe spiritual distress compared to the individuals with no spiritual distress

1. Individuals with severe spiritual distress were found to have basically higher negative Energy Aura,  due to their distress. As the distressing vibrations emitted from the horror movie were imbibed by the negative energies affecting them, the negative Energy effect in them increased to a large extent and did not decrease much, even the next day. In contrast, individuals with no spiritual distress were initially found to have a lower negative Energy Aura. The  distressing vibrations emitted from the horror movie had a temporary effect on them; therefore their negative Energy Aura increased, but reduced on the next day.

2. Positive Energy Aura in an individual is due to his mental strength, spiritual strength and inherent Sattvik vibrations. Also, the reason behind the increase in the depleted positive Energy in an individual is due to his ability to combat the distressing vibrations. Since all the above factors were basically present in the individual with no spiritual distress, though his positive Energy Aura reduced after watching the horror movie, it increased again the next day. In an individual having spiritual distress the mental and spiritual strength is low and the ability to combat the negative Energy is less. Therefore the positive Energy Aura reduced after watching the horror movie and further reduced the next day, in the individual with spiritual distress.

Irrespective of spiritual distress there is a negative effect on an individual in varied proportions after watching a horror movie, so it is beneficial for an individual to stay away from things like horror movies, which generate distress.

– Mr. Girish Pandit Patil, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa. (7.4.2024)

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