Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav : Centered on the ideological security of Sanatan Dharma and legitimate efforts to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) : Struggle of Youth and Organisations to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’

1. Inception to completion of a Tapa (12 years)

This is the moment that marks the beginning of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav; it is the moment when the lofty voice of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ echoes on the world stage. In 2012, the anti-Hindu Congress was ruling the entire country. In such extremely adverse conditions, Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale inspired us to declare the advent of the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ through the medium of this Convention. From this very place and this very platform, since 2012, the mission of uniting the Hindu forces started. Today, in 2024, this mission is completing a Tapa (12 years). It is due to the foresight of Saints, their determination, sincere efforts and support that you have provided, that this Convention has completed this Tapa.

We firmly believe that by establishing Himself in Ayodhya, in a way, Prabhu Shriram has given the mission of establishing Ram Rajya a firm foundation. Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale has said that this Temple is emitting the vibrations of Shriram not only across India, but the whole world.

In Tretayug, after Shriram was instated as the King of Ayodhya, Ram Rajya descended on Earth. The Pranapratishtha (Consecration) of the Idol of Shriram in Ayodhya marks the commencement of Ram Rajya in the subtle dimension, meaning, the future ‘Hindu Rashtra’. We are fortunate to have witnessed these historic moments.

The thought of building a Shriram Temple at Ayodhya was deeply rooted in the minds of Hindus for many years. After a struggle of 2 generations, we are today seeing the materialisation of that thought. Similarly, the seed of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ planted through this Convention in 2012 is also seen taking shape today. Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati of Puri Peetha has also blessed this Convention.

The Convention in 2013 was attended by the representative of the Puri Peetha. Today the Peetha has also started a comprehensive campaign for establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. The British Daily ‘Guardian’ has reported on the Pranapratishtha ceremony of the Idol in the Shriram Temple at Ayodhya and called it as a step towards making India a ‘Hindu Rashtra’. The Hindus in India and abroad are getting charged with devotion unto Shriram by a Hindu temple built in Abu Dhabi, the growing atmosphere of devotion unto Shrikrushna abroad, even the people of Nepal are taking to the streets to make Nepal a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ again. What do all these incidents indicate ? Today, not only India, but the whole world is eager to become Hindu. The young Saint Swami Dhirendra Shastri of Bageshwar Dham, who is being discussed at home and abroad alike, has clearly stated – “I have resolved to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. There is nothing wrong even if it means making another amendment to the Constitution”. The idea of the ‘Hindu Rashtra’, which is taking root in India and abroad in this year of Tapa-purti (Completion of 12 years), is for sure the fruit of this Convention.

Uniting Hindus and the coordination among them is an important aspect of establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. Efforts are being made in this direction at the global level. This year, 2,100 delegates from 61 countries participated in the World Hindu Congress held in Thailand with a resolve to create unity among Hindu organisations and resisting the anti-Hindus. On behalf of the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Dharmapracharak Sadguru Nilesh Singbal and I participated in the Congress.

2. The challenges faced by the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ in the land of Bharat

While striving to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’, we have to think of the challenges and crises we are facing. Now I will talk about the following aspects.

A. Jihadi Terrorism

B. Growing Jihadi Activities

C. Urban Naxalism

D. Suppression of Hindus under the guise of hate speeches

E. Appeasement and oppression policies of the anti-Hindu Political Parties

F. Politics that is moving towards anarchy

3. Appeal

This year’s Mahotsav will primarily focus on ideological security of Sanatan Dharma, security measures for Hindu society, legitimate efforts to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’, efforts to provide security to temples and Hindutva at the global level. During the Convention, till 26th June, we are going to hear about the experiences of those who are actually working for ‘Hindu Rashtra’. These experiences will serve as a guiding force. Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav is a churning of ideas, brainstorming and learning exercise for those working for the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. The Hindu Shakti gathered here today will be associated with establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ – a mission for the welfare of the Universe. I pray that may all participate in the historical mission of the ‘Hindu Rashtra’.

We have seen the challenges before us. They are many; but we should also remember that by God’s grace, we are overcoming challenges one by one. This Convention is the achievement of sustained and earnest efforts we have made. The Conventions so far fought on many fronts and won – from making laws for Pakistani-Bangladeshi refugee Hindus to freeing the Kashi-Gyanvapi Temples.

These Conventions united the Hindu Shakti in every State and territory for a ‘Hindu Rashtra’. A Hindu Ecosystem of Hindu organisations, devout advocates, intellectuals, Saints, professionals, media etc. has been created.

Work accomplished to strengthen this Ecosystem since the last Convention

Sadguru (Dr) Charudatta Pingale

1. Establishing the Hindu Intellectual Forum

Today we see that the Communists are very systematic in their approach about the narrative to use according to the prevailing situation and how to use toolkits for specific narratives. They systematically use narratives to make falsehoods appear true and confuse the society through media, politicians and others; however, we fall short in conveying with conviction to society the injustice heaped on us. To fill this void, the Hindu Intellectual Forum has been established with the help of some intellectuals, who attended the Convention. Three meetings of the Forum have been held in Mumbai, Delhi and Ranchi. Efforts are being made to accelerate this initiative in the future. Today, many baseless allegations are made against the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ and Sanatan Dharma by the opponents of Hindu Dharma. These allegations will be answered through the Intellectual Forum.

2. Hindu Rashtra Coordination Committee

In the previous edition of the Convention, we formed the Hindu Rashtra Coordination Committee. Generally speaking, we fell short in making efforts in this regard at most places. Whenever we plan certain things we have to strive throughout the year to complete the task. We have to overcome this shortcoming this year.

3. Mandir Mukti Abhiyan

Mandir Mukti Abhiyan (Movement for freeing the temples) is the foundation of ‘Hindu Rashtra’. This Convention is committed for the liberation of not only the Shriram Temple in Ayodhya, but all the temples encroached upon by Muslims such as Kashi-Mathura-Bhojashala. Advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain of the Supreme Court is fighting this battle with great zeal. No words in praise will suffice for his dedicated efforts. I am also happy to announce that this year, on the initiative of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, a Mandir Mahasangh has been established in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Goa. The Mahasangh has announced that it will make efforts to free temples from the clutches of the Government. So also, efforts are underway to make temples the centres of education on Dharma.

– Sadguru (Dr) Charudatta Pingale, National Guide, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

The Pranapratishtha of Shriram’s Idol in Ayodhya marks the commencement of Ram Rajya, meaning, the future ‘Hindu Rashtra’ !