Communism and capitalism gained ground due to the destruction of the temple-based economy : Ankit Shah, GLIC

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) : Good Governance of Temples

Ankit Shah, Advisory Board Member, GLIC, Gujarat

Vidyadhiraj Hall, Goa – Economist Adam Smith’s economics is based on capitalism. As a result, 90 percent of the world’s wealth is accumulated by 5 percent of the people. A list of the world’s 100 richest people is prepared. This accumulation of personal wealth does not bode well for the world. We should not accumulate so much wealth that others will become poor and it will be time to give them freebies. Karl Marx pioneered the concept of giving something for free. The practice of giving free facilities or goods has increased through vote politics.

Indian economics teaches self-reliance. Temples hold a very important place in the economics of Sanatan Dharma. In Sanatan Dharma, the education system was run through the finances of the temples. Villages were formed from the economy of the temples. When the British came to India, they introduced the system of ‘Education Department’.

Indian culture considers the welfare of all animals

There were no separate rights for animals and humans in India. Indian culture considers the welfare of all living beings. Westerners, however, talk of animal protection by eating them. In Indian culture, one’s place of residence was determined by considering forests, animals, and rivers. At present, however, the house is built first, then water is arranged. It is a practice to offer various fruits and flowers to our Deities. Various animals and birds are shown as the vehicles of the deities. Animals, birds and environment have long been considered in Sanatan Dharma. Dr Shah said that a student who studied in a Gurukul in the vicinity of the temple will never pollute the environment.

Education in India was never controlled by the king. The education system in India was run by the temple economy. Rishis and Munis (Sages) were preparing the syllabus. There is an example in our history that Arya Chanakya organised the society and overthrew King Dhanananda when he became corrupt. The British handed over the education system to the government. ‘Education for Employment’ was brought in by the British. This has happened in the last 400 years. The Gurukul should be within the premises of a temple. Communism and capitalism came to India only because of the destruction of the temple economy. Instead of rewarding them, we should give the knowledge of temple-based economy to the West, said Dr Ankit Shah (Advisory Board Member, GLIC, Gujarat). He was speaking on ‘Temple Economics’ in the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024).