The accused Muslim individual responsible for the sexual abuse of a minor boy absconding

Incident at Darul Uloom Diniyat madarasa : Brutal assault on minor by older student

Thane, June 27th – An alarming incident has come to light where an 11-year-old boy studying at a madarasa in Bhiwandi was brutally assaulted by a 20-year-old student named Nasirullah. (Please note the perversity among students in madarasas ! – Editor) Nasirullah is currently on the run, and a case has been registered against him at Shantinagar Police Station.

In the Pirani Pada area of Bhiwandi, at Darul Uloom Diniyat madarasa, an 11-year-old boy, along with a 20-year-old student named Nasirullah, both studying there, was involved in a severe assault.

After enduring torture by Nasirullah, the victim found the suffering unbearable and informed his mother about it.

After a complaint was filed against the Muslim youth, the police registered a case under Section 377 of the POCSO Act. Upon learning of the accusations, Nasirullah fled from the madarasa, prompting a police search to apprehend him.

Editorial Perspectives

  • The question of why the police do not intervene more decisively in instances where abuses or other illegal activities occur in madarasa.
  • Call for strict action against madarasa Head in this abuse case!