Hindu activists and lawyers foiled police attempt to frame Hindus in false cases

Jalgaon Cow Slaughter Case

Police coercing extremists to lodge fabricated complaints against Hindu activists!

(Symbolic Picture)

Jalgaon, Maharashtra – In the case of cow slaughter and possession of illegal meat, the police tried to falsely implicate 4 Hindutva activists who were protecting the police and lawyers from the clutches of religious fanatics; however, aggressive Hindus and lawyers thwarted this attempt.

1. The police had arrested 7 religious fanatics in the case of cow slaughter and possession of illegal meat. On 21stJune, when they were presented in the district court, a dispute arose between Hindu and Muslim lawyers over taking the case of the suspects.

2. A crowd of 1 to 1.5 thousand Muslims confronted Hindu lawyers in the court premises. Tensions arose due to shouting and arguing face-to-face.

3. On both 20th and 21stJune, a large number of religious fanatics were called from the predominantly Muslim areas of the city. They caused chaos by chanting slogans when the accused were brought to the court.

4. After Police Inspector Sandeep Gavit arrived at the court, the police began lathi-charging the religious fanatics. Muslims in the main road intersection leading to the court were driven away by Hindus.

5. Religious fanatics were plotting to falsely implicate the workers of Hindutva organizations by filing fake complaints against them. Hindutva lawyers were being threatened with gestures and slogans. (When will the police act against such malicious elements at sensitive places like the court ? – Editor) Hence, activists of Hindutva organizations came to protect the lawyers.

6. As soon as Police Inspector Sandeep Gavit arrived, the religious fanatics falsely claimed, “Hindutva organization members Mr. Yashaji Chavan, Mr. Raju Bhau Nannavare, and Mr. Raghav Dorkar pushed and shoved us, and Mr. Yashaji took a baton from the police and assaulted our Muslim people.” At this time, without verifying, Police Inspector Sandeep Gavit scolded the three Hindutva activists, saying, “You have overdone it. Stay within the law, or it will be tough for you.”

7. The lawyers said, “Since these young men were with us, how could they have taken the baton from the police and assaulted anyone? Do police give their batons to anyone? Mr. Yashaji actually protected the police from the religious fanatics.” Despite this, the police asked everyone to come to the police station and pushed the Hindutva activists. Hindutva activists and lawyers said, “You will realize the truth after watching the CCTV footage.” Even then, the police took everyone to the police station.

8. One religious fanatic was giving a false complaint. Hindutva activists told him, ” Everything will be clear after verifying the CCTV. We did not assault you, yet you are filing a false complaint. We will also file a complaint against you.” Hearing this, he told the police that he was not filing a complaint; but the police insisted that he file it.

9. The Hindutva activists realized that the police had decided to target Mr. Yashaji Chavan. Advocate Niranjan Chaudhary of the Hindu Legal Council filed a complaint at the city police station and left; however, the police asked Mr. Yashaji to stay there. The Hindutva activists and lawyers explained the sequence of events to Police Sub-Inspector Sandeep Gavit. Due to the firm stance of the Hindutva activists and the organized strength of the lawyers, the police released Yashaji Chavan.

Editorial Perspective

Police trying to falsely implicate Hindus, are they from India or Pakistan ? The government should investigate the responsible police officers and take strict action against them !