3 religious fanatics arrested for writing ‘Ram’ on sacrificial goat in Belapur, Navi Mumbai

Police took action after being informed by VHP members

‘Ram’ written on the goat

Navi Mumbai – CBD Belapur Police have arrested 3 religious fanatics for writing ‘Ram’ on sacrificial goats. They were selling these goats for Qurbani (Islamic animal sacrifice) on the occasion of Bakri Eid. Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) District joint minister Swaroop Patil had filed a complaint in this matter. The Police have arrested Muhammad Shafi Sheikh, Sajid Sheikh and Qayyum. A case has also been registered against them.

Some devout Hindus informed Swaroop Patil that a goat brought for Eid sacrifice in a shop has ‘Ram’ written on its belly, and is being treated cruelly and tied up with for slaughter.

Accordingly, Patil and his colleagues informed the Police about this. Along with the Police, they reached the concerned shop and seized cash, paint can and brush.

22 goats from the shop have been seized and kept in a shed in Vashi. A crime has been registered in the Police station in connection with the sale of beef against the same shopkeeper a few months ago.

During the action, Navi Mumbai District Joint Minister Swaroop Patil, Amarjit Surve, City Administrator Nishant Naik, Social Worker Nilesh Patil, Dyaneshwar Patil, Bajrang Dal Co-Convenor Shankar Sangpal, Tejas Patil, Belapur Block President Mukesh Gandhi, Belapur Block Joint Minister Satya Prakash Singh, Belapur Block Convenor Jeevan Deshmukh, Belapur Block Co-Convenor Harshal Songire took special efforts.

Editorial Perspective

Congratulations to the devout Hindus who quickly united to take action against hurting of Hindu religious sentiments. Such devout Hindus is the real strength of Hindu Dharma !