2-wheelers and 4-wheelers in good condition are required by Sanatan’s seekers to perform satseva during the Kumbha Mela
2-wheelers and 4-wheelers in good condition are required by Sanatan’s seekers to perform satseva during the Kumbha Mela.
O’ Entrepreneurs ! Participate in the mission of spreading Dharma by printing your company’s advertisements in the Sanatan Almanac, which imparts education on Dharma to Hindus and urges them to protect Dharma !
We already had enough spiritual knowledge to compile over 5,000 Texts. Your sadhana would take place when you process this knowledge and transform it into separate Texts.
She left no stone unturned to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’
Process of eradicating Personality Defects and Ego as taught by Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale is the true circumambulation of the Divine in a pure heart.
If you look at the photos of Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil given here year wise, you can easily see the growth in Her sadhana and the development of Her incarnate nature. We are literally drawn and get riveted to Her final photo. This is very much the sign of divinity !
During Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Mukul Gadgil’s Divine tour, through various incidents, Panchamahabhuta show how She is an Incarnation.
“Instead of thinking of what we lack, let’s focus on how big a space God has given us. Sachchidanand Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale governs the Universe from His small room. God has given us such a big space. What more do we need ? The most important thing is that we should have a big heart. If our heart is big, we will not be limited by space”.
28 lakh lamps lit on the banks of Sharyu River here. Lights are being installed on 55 ghats. It has started from October 30 itself.
Senseless and unfortunate Hindus ! Hindus are like the children of the rich people, who exhaust the wealth of their parents. Hindus have treated the knowledge in Hindu Dharma (which has been handed over from generation to generation since Satyayug, Tretayug and Dwaparyug) as insignificant, and thus, made the condition of Hindu Dharma pitiable. To … Read more