Who is a Hindu ?

The term is found in Meru Tantra  (4 th to 6 th century AD), which says : हीनं च दूष्यत्येव हिन्दुरित्युच्यते प्रिये। Meaning : That which destroys the callous and inferior Raja-Tama components is called Hindu. One who rejects these lower tendencies – whether physical, verbal, or mental – and instead embraces a Sattva predominant … Read more

History books need to be re-written for people to know the truth : Demand by Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad (HVP) to NCERT in a letter

It is further necessary to teach history of bravery of Hindu kings by replacing the false glorification of invaders so that the young generation would know the truth.

Tamil Nadu Mandir bans priests from accepting Dakshinas, sparks outrage

In Hindu Dharma, the practice of offering Dakshina holds great significance. Dakshinas are given in various contexts, such as to Gurus or Acharyas as a gesture of gratitude and recognition for the teachings received.

Muslims set rate for Brahmin girls at ₹20 lakhs and Dalit girls at ₹10 lakhs; scandal exposed

For the past four days, while this case has been going viral across Rajasthan and the country, not a single secular political party or leader has uttered a word of protest on this matter.

The Bharatas of Bharatavarsha

Bharatavarsha is encompassed from north to south by Sagarmatha, forehead of the ocean, a beautiful epithet for the tallest Himalayan peak, and Hind Mahasagar, the Indian Ocean. Famed as a Divine creation, it is the bhumi of the Bharatas, hallowed by its sacred geography and the great souls who have guided her spiritual ascent and … Read more