Cow slaughter must be stopped to stop further partitions of India – Satish Kumar, Rashtriya Adhyaksha, Gau Raksha Dal

Gomata is a form of Mother Earth. The land on which a cow is slaughtered will also get cleaved. Therefore, if we want a united India and want to stop further partitions, it is necessary to stop cow slaughter

Government support for anti-Hindu activities in Tamil Nadu – Mr. Arjun Sampath, Founder President, Hindu Makkal Katchi, Tamil Nadu

The government is acting against Brahmins, Sanskrit, and Hindi. Operations of urban naxals are being supported by Christian missionaries. Although anti-Hindu activities have proliferated in Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nadu is the original holy land of the Hindus.

Veerashaiva Lingayat community is Hindu! – H.H. Shri Sh. Br. Pr. 108 (Dr) Virupaksha Shivacharya Mahaswamiji, Abbot, Mathadhipati, Ganacharya Math Sansthan, Mukhed, Nanded, Maharashtra

Lingayat is a dialect. So the appropriate term is ‘Veerashaiva Lingayat’. Their methods of worship are according to Hindu Dharma and are all Hindus. Veerashaiva Lingayats are not a separate religion but integral to Hinduism.