Akbar Ali, Shahnaz Begum, and Mohammed Salim sentenced to life imprisonment

Incident of Ankit Saxena’s murder for loving a Muslim girl

New Delhi – In the murder case of 23-year-old photographer Ankit Saxena from Delhi, the accused Akbar Ali, Shahnaz Begum, and Mohammed Salim have been sentenced to life imprisonment. They attacked and murdered Ankit Saxena in Delhi’s Raghubir Nagar on 1st February 2018, for his relationship with a Muslim girl.

According to a newspaper report, the court refrained from awarding the death penalty to Akbar Ali, Shahnaz Begum and Mohammed Salim, citing the potential for reform. Additional Sessions Judge Sunil Kumar Sharma considered factors such as context, age, gender, social background, record, time in custody and family responsibilities while determining the sentence. The Court opined against a death sentence for the convicts. Each convict was also ordered to pay Rs 50,000 to Ankit Saxena’s mother.

Ankit’s mother, Kamlesh Saxena, expressed that she has witnessed no change in society over the past six years, noting prevalent hatred. She described living alone as fearful. “Our family and the Muslim girl’s family were neighbours. They were like our family. We never imagined they would do something like this,” she said. (This incident indicates the extremism and fundamentalism prevalent among Muslims – Editor).

Editorial Perspective

Where are the progressive secularists who lecture Hindus opposing ‘Love Jihad’ ? Their silence exposes their false secularism, evidently anti-Hindu.