World Suryanamaskar Day is on 16th February. Hence this Research Article.Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay conducted a study using the Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) to find out the subtle benefits obtained from Yogic postures and Pranayam. The readings obtained are given ahead. The UAS was invented by Mannem Murthy, a former nuclear physicist. The UAS can measure negative as well as positive energy present in an object, premises, animal or an individual. An average individual or object may possess negative energy, however, it does not always possess positive energy. |

Among the different types of Yogasanas, ‘Suryanamaskar’ is an important type of exercise, using the entire body to bow before and offer salutations to the Sun Deity. Surya (The Sun Deity) blesses a person who performs at least 20 Suryanamaskars every day.
1. Effect on an individual’s subtle energy by performing Suryanamaskar with and without chanting the Name of the Sun Deity
Effect of one mudra (Posture) of Suryanamaskar on the subtle energy of an individual : In today’s fast-paced life there is no time for different Yogic postures. The best option is to perform Suryanamaskar daily, since 1 round of Suryanamaskar includes twelve different Yogic postures. This is precisely why we selected Suryanamaskar to study the benefits of Yoga on the subtle energy of an individual.
1A. Importance of Suryanamaskar
It is said in the Scriptures that those who pay obeisance to the Sun Deity every day never experience poverty in a thousand births.
1B. Benefits of Suryanamaskar
1. Blood flow to all important organs increases
2. Function of the heart and lungs improves
3. Muscles of the shoulders and hips get strengthened
4. The spine and hips become more flexible
5. The fat accumulated in the abdomen reduces, thus reducing weight
6. Digestion improves
7. Concentration of the mind improves
1C. Readings of the UAS of two people (male & female) who performed Suryanamaskar, with and without chanting the Names of the Sun Deity
1. Before performing Suryanamaskar, the baseline UAS readings of both were taken.
2. UAS readings were then taken after both had performed 12 Suryanamaskars each, without chanting the Names of the Sun Deity. These readings indicated the effects that took place at the level of subtle energy.
3. The next day, the baseline readings of both were taken again, followed by readings after they had performed 12 Suryanamaskars, after they chanted the Names of the Sun Deity. The resulting effect on their subtle energy after performing Suryanamaskars along with chanting the Names of the Sun Deity, were analysed.
2. The table on the right clarifies the following :
A. The negative energy present in the male before performing Suryanamaskar disappeared completely after he performed Suryanamaskar, both – with and without chanting.
B. His positive energy aura, which was there before performing Suryanamaskar, increased by 2.39 metres, that is, it doubled after performing Suryanamaskar without chanting. It increased by more than 4.17 metres after he performed Suryanamaskar with chanting.
C. The female did not have any negative energy. The positive energy aura already present in her before performing Suryanamaskar, increased by 3.05 metres. Even after performing Suryanamaskar without chanting, it doubled. After she performed Suryanamaskar with chanting, it increased by more than 4.66 metres.
3. Inferences from the study
- Performing Suryanamaskar provides ample benefits at the spiritual level. However, if it is done along with chanting, the benefit is maximum.
- The benefits obtained at the subtle energy level by performing Suryanamaskar and the enhanced benefit when performed with chanting became obvious through this study.
- It is clear from the above study that 5,000 years ago our Sages created these unparalleled Yogic postures without the use of external, physical devices. When we see the enhanced benefits of these practices along with chanting, which is enriched with Chaitanya (Divine consciousness), we can only feel gratitude towards our Sages and offer obeisance at their Holy feet !
- Considering the benefits obtained from performing Yogic postures along with chanting, may many more people include them in their daily routine – this is our prayer unto God !
Perform Suryanamaskar after a prayer unto the Sun Deity. Every day, increase the number of Surya-namaskars. Regularly do 12 Suryanamaskars.
(Details on Suryanamaskar are provided in Sanatan’s Text – ‘Science underlying conducts from bathing till sunset’)
The UAS readings of Suryanamaskar performed by a male and a female alongwith and without chanting
Suryanamaskar is a gesture that demonstrates complete devotion, where through a sequence of prostrations, the one performing it expresses reverence and gratitude unto the Sun Deity as the Divine source of energy.
– Dr (Mrs) Nandini Samant, Physician, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa. (18.6.2020)
Suryanamaskar provides ample benefits at the spiritual level. However, if it is done with chanting, the benefit is maximum ! |