If given a second term as President of USA, I will ban citizens of Islamic countries travelling to America

Donald Trump’s declaration

New York (US) – If I am given a second chance to the Presidency, then a jihadi country will come under sanctions, and its citizens will not be allowed to travel to America, stated Donald Trump, America’s former President. He is trying for the candidacy for the Presidential election. Trump added, “I will implement strong ideological screening for all illegal immigrants. If you hate America. If you want to abolish Israel, if you sympathise with jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country. We don’t want you.”

Credits : Right Side Broadcasting Network

When Trump was the President, he had denied visas to citizens of some Islamic countries

In 2017, when Donald Trump was the President, he had denied visas to citizens of Libya, Iran, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, and other Muslim majority countries. Besides these, visa was denied to citizens of North Korea, Venezuela, Myanmar, Kirgizstan, Nigeria, Tanzania, Sudan. But this ban was lifted after the Biden Government came to power.