Six students convicted for beheading their teacher in France

No imprisonment since the convicts were minors at the time of murder

Symbolic Picture

Paris (France) – A teacher named Samuel Paty was beheaded by his Muslim students in France on 16th October 2020, allegedly for insulting the Prophet Mohammad. The Police have convicted 6 students in this case; but the convicts will not be put in jail as all of them were 14 to 15 years old at the time of murder (minors). ‘Youth Court’ of France has ordered their suspension for 14 months to 2 years. In this system of law, a minor found guilty of a crime is not punished with imprisonment; but if he commits any other offense during the specified period, he can be punished for that offense in future. Convicts will be punished only if they commit another crime during the specified period.

Editorial Perspective

If there are laws which prevent minors from getting punishment for criminal activities, there is a possibility that religious fanatics would recruit minors to carry out Jihadi activities !