Hindu children served beef in a Christian missionary school in Karnataka

The conspiracy of forced conversion of Hindus unfolds

(Credits: OpIndia)

Bengaluru – In the Don Bosco Missionary school run by Christian missionaries in Davangere, Karnataka, it was discovered that Hindu children were being given beef to eat, a shocking revelation made by Priyank Kanoongo, the chairperson of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR).

He further stated –

1. In the school, beef was found included among the food items provided to the children.

2. The investigation by NCPCR found evidence of the purchase and consumption of beef in the school’s hostel’s kitchen.

3. Despite a significant number of Hindu children residing in the missionary school’s hostels, all children are compelled to follow Christian practices, including the consumption of beef. This issue has prompted the school administration to be served a notice for necessary action.

4. Allegations have been made by the children residing in the hostel that “Christian teachings were forced upon them,” and the missionary schools keep the children against their will, separating them from their families, all for the sake of financial gain. These claims have been unanimously acknowledged by local authorities.

This situation demands prompt and decisive action to protect the rights and well-being of the children involved.

Editorial Perspective

After uncovering the religious misconduct hidden under the guise of education at Christian missionary schools, it is now imperative to shut down such schools across the country.