On 24th December, Kolkata will witness a mass recital of the Bhagawadgeeta by 1.2 lakh participants

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to attend

Permission from the police and administration is yet to be granted

Kolkata – On the upcoming 24th December, 1.2 lakh people are set to participate in a mass recital of the Bhagawadgeeta to celebrate Gita Jayanti. The organisers have invited Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the event and he has accepted the invitation. Yet, the Kolkata Police and administration have not granted permission for the event so far. There are suggestions that permission is being postponed because the event falls on Christmas Eve. The event is being organised by three devout Hindu organisations who have formed a committee for the Bhagawadgeeta recitation. Over 1.2 lakh people have registered to participate in the event. The recital is planned to take place at the Brigade Parade Ground in Kolkata. A delegation of Saints under the leadership of Sukanta Majumdar, the State president of BJP in Bengal, met Prime Minister Modi and invited him to the event.

An attempt to disrupt religious harmony – Trinamool Congress blabbers

Hindus nowadays are starting to wonder – Is the Trinamool Congress, which claims that ‘Geeta recital disrupts religious harmony’, a Jihadist organisation ? Do the Hindus in Bengal, who have put the Trinamool Congress in power, accept this attitude of the Government ?

The Trinamool Congress has criticised the event, saying, ‘The organisation of this event is an attempt to disrupt religious harmony.’ The BJP has responded by saying that this is a form of respecting Hindu culture and religion.

Editorial Perspective

Will the Trinamool Congress Government, which is delaying the permission for the Bhagawadgeeta recital, ever show such reluctance towards Eid and Christmas programs ?