Hamas killing innocent civilians : Israel slams Canada

Tel Aviv, Israel – Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu said, “It is not Israel that is deliberately targeting civilians but Hamas that beheaded, burned and massacred civilians in the worst horrors perpetrated on Jews since the Holocaust.” Benjamin Netanyahu slammed Justine Trudeau while refuting the charges about the killing of civilians. Netanyahu said, “It is Hamas, not Israel that should be held accountable for committing a double war crime – targeting civilians while hiding behind civilians.”

“While Israel is doing everything to keep civilians out of harm’s way, Hamas is doing everything to keep them in harm’s way,” Netanyahu wrote on X. “Israel provides civilians in Gaza humanitarian corridors and safe zones, Hamas prevents them from leaving at gunpoint.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urged Israel to stop “this killing of women, of children, of babies” in the Gaza Strip. The Canadian premier called on Israel to “exercise maximum restraint” while fighting against Hamas terrorists in Gaza, saying “the world is watching.”