Ravan admirer ‘Adivasi Vikas Parishad’ (Tribal Development Department) demands criminal case against those who burn Ravan’s effigy



Nagpur, Maharashtra – “Akhil Bhartiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad’, District Bhandara, Tumsar, Mohadi Branch as well as ‘All India Adivasi People’s Federation, Nagpur have given a written demand to the Police Superintendent, Tehsildar and Block development officer in Bhandara. In this written note, they have demanded to stop the custom of burning an effigy of Ravan and it should be considered a crime against the individuals and the Mandals. This demand has been circulated on social media. They have warned that if the demand is not accepted, they will take out Akrosh Morcha (to show outrage).

This statement by the Parishad says –

Ravan was an impartial king and would do justice to all. (Ravan killed many Rushis and Munis, committed atrocities against women. It is ridiculous to call him an impartial king. – Editor). Ravan was a culmination of all virtues. He had knowledge of Music, Politics, Sculpture, Ayurveda, and was prudent. Ravan and his virtues are disgraced if his effigy is burnt. (In the world, there are many terrorists who are highly qualified including Osama Bin Laden and if action is taken against them, according to the Parishad, will that mean disregard to their qualities ? – Editor)

History has been distorted to present Ravan as a villain. Every year his effigy is burnt. The System has left no stone unturned to dishonour this king. (History is full of Ravan’s cruelty. These admirers of Ravan should study that ! – Editor). Ravan was a mighty warrior, in fact there cannot be anyone like him in the past or future. No one must be allowed to burn Ravan.

Editorial Perspective

This is blatant praise for Asur (demon). These people will not hesitate to glorify Jihadis terrorists, religious fanatics, and corrupt people ! Such people must be remonstrated, along with this; stringent action must be taken against them by the Government.