Hyderabad – The much-acclaimed Constitution of India by our people within the country as well as all protagonists of Democracy over the world, of late, have been sceptical about our future ! The concern for India’s future is well-placed because the divisive forces from within and outside India are trying hard to fail the democratic set up and break up the Nation into pieces.
The joker-like gimmickry churned out by the ‘dethroned’ scion of the Congress party at every available opportunity, lashing out against the lawfully elected Government at the Centre, is in fact, a part of the toolkit which aims at labelling a dog as bad and then killing it ! The sole agenda of about a dozen of fringe political parties including some of laughably miniscule size, is to unite among themselves and throw out the present ruling dispensation by hook or crook, and if that is done successfully then, undo all that has been done by the BJP-led NDA Government.
The sequence of events post victory in Karnataka by the Congress and Punjab by the Aam Admi Party prove this observation beyond doubt. The divisive Jihadi forces are in full play in Bengal, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. They are just waiting for an opportune time to strike terror, create anarchy and achieve the ‘cherished’ goal of breaking the country !
On the other hand, the Prime Minister Modi is burning mid-night oil to boost up country’s global image as a peaceful, vibrant and fastest forward-moving country. His recent State visit to the US has made us proud. The tremendous positive response given by the world leader to our Prime Minister proves beyond doubt that the nefarious toolkit devised by some nasty groups has been totally snubbed by the mighty Democracy of the US. In fact, the anti-National elements have had to bite dust when the pro-India hurricane engulfed the whole of the US and Europe too !
Considering the massive support to our bilateral relations in the backdrop of the Prime Minister’s US tour, the image of India in the eyes of the other Nations has awfully shined. This is, therefore, the right time to crack down on all the anti-National, Jihadi, separatist and extremist elements so as to remove all hurdles in the path of progress.
And this is not at all difficult. As most of the ‘leaders’ of the opposition parties are in a legal soup because of their own misdeeds and have been on bails, the trial of their cases may be expedited on day-to-day basis. Those who are convicted by Courts will automatically vanish from the political arena for the period of imprisonment. Others, with depleted strength will be of no consequence. True, Shrimadbhagawad Geeta says : Whatever is destined to be, will be. The same is the verbatim meaning of the hit song of yesteryears, ‘Que Sera, Sera’, written by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans and beautifully rendered by Doris Day.
But let’s be practical and not leave the future of the country to ‘Que Sera, Sera’ (Italian language).
– Dr HC Upadhyay (Courtesy : TheHansIndia.com, 26.6.2023) (Dr HC Upadhyay practices in the Supreme Court of India.)